The Orcarous Guard Organization in The Auric City | World Anvil
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The Orcarous Guard

"This city hungers for my corpse, but I have never been one to bow to scavengers."
— Dynasty King Kadir
  The official protectors of the Dynasty Kings of Thripia, the Orcarous Guard, first established by the Dynasty King Kadir the Conqueror, are an elite group whose sole function is to guard the monarch and his High Consort against danger. They are lead by a Captain, typically the most skilled or most decorated among them, who organises their efforts. Often, they answer to the Wise Council or, in times of greater strife, the Dynasty King or High Consort themselves. They are well known for their shined bronze armor and would regularly come into conflict or sometimes alliance with the Cabal of the Black and the Serpentine.  


In 234AL, the Aradin warlord Kadir conquered Thripia and subjugated its population. He sought to legitimize his rule which lead him to marry the daughters of the usurped Dynasty King, Argemon, reforge the Imperial Diadem and officially crown himself as monarch. Despite this, he faced many dire threats in the early days of his reign from assassins all across the city who aimed to end his rule. In response to this, he founded the first Orcarous Guard. His most loyal and skilled Aradin warriors joined the order, as did a select few Thripians he believed he could trust, and they accompanied him everywhere, successfully thwarting a great many attempts on Kadir's life.   The first Captain of the Orcarous was an Aradin named Monduran. Once the leader of his tribe, he was a capable warrior and close confidant of Kadir, especially in his efforts to end slavery in Thripia. However, he found himself disgusted by his former friend's actions as ruler of the city, exploiting and mistreating its people as perceived vengeance for their centuries of abuse, and came to believe that he must be stopped. Harboring these doubts privately, he eventually began sharing them with the rest of the Orcarous, especially those who he knew would feel the same, and even began coordinating with one of the daughters of Argemon, and Kadir's youngest wife, the future and only Dynasty Queen, Narceres. Monduran had watched time and time again Kadir's unwillingness to listen to those who rejected the barbarism of his reign, even the voices among his allies, and so became committed to his course of action. One night, the Orcarous serving Monduran turned on Kadir in the Old Palace. Though a few of them died in battle against the conqueror king, he eventually fell to Monduran himself.   The Orcarous Guard would go on to be pivotal in reestablishing order in Thripia with Narceres as queen and they as her protectors. So instrumental and integral were they to the knew city's order, they transcended their origins as tools of Kadir and became the staple protectors of all Dynasty Kings to come up. Notably, Parius o Daelys, sometimes known as the Beggar King, was made a member of the Orcarious via the position of Honor Guardian and then Captain before his ascension to the throne. The Orcarous Guard would remain in place until the People's Uprising in 713AL, in which they fought for the Imperials, and were disbanded as a result.

236AL - 713AL

Military Order
Alternative Names
The Orcarous,
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

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