Cyamus Illucium Character in The Astral Wars | World Anvil

Cyamus Illucium

King Cyamus Illucium (a.k.a. Cy)

Cyamus is the King of Vashierhiel. A scion of the long line of Illucium, he is a proud but humble man who is known to be both resolute and forgiving to his people. He tempers his rulings with compassion and is considered a great king by most within Paramora and a weak one by those beyond the city's borders.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As he gets older the fabled weight of the crow gets heavier and he physically deteriorates more. He has begun to need a cane to walk as both the familial magics as well as the injuries he has sustained over the few battles he has partaken in against the empire add up.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cyamus was raised within the palace knowing mostly Paramora and little else. His father was a rough and strict man that made life difficult by constantly demanding the absolute best out of Cyamus and accepting nothing else. He grew up hearing the people whisper in fear of his father and with his mother dying early in his life he was left without refuge. When he turned twenty-one however, his father allowed him to go on a diplomatic mission to their allies in Aadimhor. It was there that he met his wife Auliea Morhun-Illucium. Shortly after returning to the palace with her his father passed away of a long standing illness and ascended the throne.   With the birth of his daughter Estros Morhun-Illucium Cyamus has put even more effort into ending the war he inherited. He has also begun to feel the need to prove he is not as soft a king as his people and council seem to think he is.


Cyamus was considered a prodigy in many subjects and received the best tutors and teachers available in the kingdom.


He is the King of his nation, serving as the active head of state in both practice and ceremony.

Mental Trauma

HIs father was a hard man, considered by many to be a tyrant, and demanded nothing but the absolute best from Cyamus at all times. Cyamus grew up listening to his people whisper in fear of his father, a fear that he shared, and developed a deepseated terror that he might end up the same one day. It has led to his loose policies and his tendency to allow the council a lot of freedom with policy and action. A fact he has begun to regret due to the signs of abuse of power he sees in the treatment of his own daughter.

Morality & Philosophy

Cyamus believes in much the same as his wife and daughter, that it is important to help those who can not help themselves and/or are less fortunate than most. That the strength of the group comes from it's ability to provide for the weakest link.
Honey Brown
Black with a few silver streaks, kept short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden Tan
6 foot
The Astral Court
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by MykolaVoid (Etherian Workshop) on NightCafe


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