6 - Despair in The Arrowheadsverse | World Anvil

6 - Despair

"You have to do this." Emilia said, her face grim.

Sariel crossed her arms without realising. "No."

Enna stepped forward. "Sariel, this is not a request. You have to do this."

There was no way she was going to do this. They'd finally asked too much of her. She was willing to do almost anything, but not this.

"Sarry..." Nathxena said. "Please..."

Nathxena's pleading changed something in Sariel. She couldn't really say no to her. She was just going to have to suck it up and do this.

"...Fine." Sariel said, her shoulders drooping. "I can't say no to you."

Valna handed her a pair of fabric pants to put on with the rest of her disguise. This was going to be hard.


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