The Blind Legions Organization in The Arena of Change | World Anvil
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The Blind Legions

If you were to ask anyone in Pyrrhia, they would tell you that the might of the Caminid and Pontisine empires is exemplified by the Blind Legions. They are the field armies of Caecus who brought near every nation in the continent to heel. They are the unflinching, unwavering force that strike fear in all who oppose them.   In reality though, seasoned military commanders within and without the empire have long since learn the weaknesses of block infantry, even such a formidable block as these. On campaign, each legion is usually supported by at least an equal number of Auxilia, in the form of cavalry, missiles and lighter troops. The legions may be the rock upon which the enemy break, but just as much of the true work of war is done by their more flexible and maneuverable comrades.   Nevertheless, the nine legions were always the heroes of the Kobzar war ballads, and their Legates and Tribunes dictated the war strategy of the whole empire, answering only to the Emperor and each other.
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