Terran Species in The Aradian Universe | World Anvil
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Civilization and Culture


Terrans evolved on the planet Terra Mater, formerly known as Earth before the Reclamation. While they rose to dominance on the planet, especially technologically, their position as the only sapient Terran species has been hotly debated for millennia.   It did not take long for the species to spread across the entire planet, and soon they moved into space as well. During the War, they fell back to their home planet, abandoning their places in the solar system, but after the Reclamation, space-travel was given priority again.   In present time Terrans have spread across the universe and colonized thousands of worlds.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens sapiens
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  The Aradian Universe is written by

Master Katje

Katje van Loon

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