Nushala Shu'Kraanan Character in The Annals Of Ordu | World Anvil
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Nushala Shu'Kraanan

Nushala was a Dalian priestess and one of the Undying of Yavakatra. An Archlich, kept alive by the Yavakatran cult. Like all Undying, she was tasked by them with gathering magics, science and information around Eleann and beyond.   Not much is know about her life, she has stated that she has been brough back to life multiple tiles before and that she has been around to have witnessed the coronation of four Eleann Emperors. This would make her at least 560-years old.

Actions during the Ainntar crisis and eventual death
  She was studying the library in Hildar's Hope, when she got involved with the Ainntar debacle.
Nushala was informed that a caravan was attacked by mysterious beings and that the survivors were cursed with a spell that turned people undead.  
Nushala then met a cursed party of adventurers, whon she tasked to travel to a colleague of hers to get the ashes of thrice dead man. A rare alchemical ingridient used for a powerful cure spell.
During they were away, she cared for the other survivors and the cursed. Soon the party returned and she managed to a cast the spell, though with a great cost. Being an undead being, a spell that removed the undead curse nearly killed her outright, but she managed to cling to life.  
Without time to recover, the oarty and she had to escape the angered mob of townsfolk who blamed her for the chaos that had wrecked the town.
The party travelled to Amaran and they went to the El'anar's library to learn about the attacks and what could have caused them. An acquaintance known as Professor Amaund informed them that the library held two book that could clarify the mystery around the attacks and the demon behind them. Nushala managed to find the other, however, the other was stolen by two Soulfused who also assasinated Amaund.
Nushala then urged the party to go after them and retreive the other book while she studied the other and planned a trip back to Riek.
When the party returned with the book. They also brough a young woman with them. They explained that they had encounred her below the city and that she was cursed and without memory. Nushala saw something in her and took her in.
In her weakened state, Nushala and the woman, now named Yanessa both then travelled to Riek while the party stayed behind to deal with the conspiracy at hand. There she finally returned to the temple of Yavakatra and the priesthood performed the secret ritual of Returning, The Kartraknar. The blood sacrifice was made and Nushala's body was revived and returned to a youthful state.
After this, Yanessa was officially introduced to the order and she gained a new life.
Weeks later the party arrived in Riek, thanks to a lead they had learned from the office of Asterion D'Gunravar, the lead perpetrator on the assassination attempt at Queen Valhilda's head.
She then helped them to gain an access to Observatory 3, a research station located just outside the city. There she spoke for their couse with Joran, the master of the observatory. Who then promised to help the party.
  After the coordinate imprints were recovered from T'sunian War Monk Volkov's soul. Joran decided to power the forbidden Veil Portal with a blood sacrifice and sent the party to the Hridi staging world of Or-Chak-Tzan'ah (Or Orshannon, as it was later called by the Riekians)
  However, the cultists of Ainntar had learned about this and the whereabouts of the party, warned the forces on the otherside and using the portal beast created the Hridi-Queen Rhandrax. The Hridi armies, led by Gara X'ulthas stormed the Observatory 3 in hopes of gaining the Cubes of Tcarathar the party was carrying.
They were however too late, as the party managed to leap to the other side and to Joran to close the portal before Gara could reach them. Angered by this, Gara let his forces loose on the city and killed most of the people on Observatory 3. Including Nushala.
Nushala had finally reached the true death.
  The party learned about this after Gara returned to Orshannon with the severed heads on his hand, one of those being Nushala's head.
  Later, after Yanessa became a full priestess of Yavakatra, she took the Nushala's surname of Shu'Kraanan in her honor.
Year of Death
1574 NA

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