The Pit
The Pit is an endless maze of dark caverns decorated with massive stalactites and stalagmites that reach for miles. While most of the territory is barren, including two massive deserts, there are several underground lakes lush with plant life and capable of supporting life in the surrounding areas.
Localized Phenomena
While most of The Pit is unaffected by weather pattens the Elrean Desert is uninhabitable due to an almost endless series of lightning storms and tornados that plague the area.
Fauna & Flora
While few plants are capable of growing in The Pit there is a small variety of philodendron, dracaena, ferns, ivys, and lilies found near the lakes.
Natural Resources
While The Pit offers very few natural resources miners have been able to extract numerous types of accursed gems and metals. The gems quickly became popular among the angelic residents of The Pit, chiefly Lucifer's Rebellion who used as them as status symbols. The metals, especially the accursed steel became popular in forging swords and other weapons.
Early after Shaddai created humans, the angel grew jealous. Since the beginning human had shown their predilection for evil, yet only the angels were chastised for their wrongdoing. Beliel entreated Shaddai to allow him to demonstrate mankinds true nature. If humans were righteous then they should be tested and then Shaddai would know their true nature. Shaddai agreed and allowed Belial to take his legion to do their work.
When Belial demonstrated how easily humans were lead astray he again approached Shaddai. If the souls were unfit for Paradise, then where were they to go. And Shaddai created The Pit, a massive undreground series of caverns paralell to the earth's center yet trapped within the spiritual realm. Here Belial could do as he pleased with the souls he collected. Later, and much against Belial's will, Shaddai would also sentence Lucifer's Rebellion, the Watcher's and the Nephalim to The Pit.
When Belial demonstrated how easily humans were lead astray he again approached Shaddai. If the souls were unfit for Paradise, then where were they to go. And Shaddai created The Pit, a massive undreground series of caverns paralell to the earth's center yet trapped within the spiritual realm. Here Belial could do as he pleased with the souls he collected. Later, and much against Belial's will, Shaddai would also sentence Lucifer's Rebellion, the Watcher's and the Nephalim to The Pit.
Dimensional, Pocket
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species