BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Summer Camp 2023 Pledge

World: The Ancestor Isles
Prompt Goal: 16 (Silver) or more.

POWER: Week 1

Power within the world of The Ancestor Isles takes many forms. Politically, most nation's power is held by various types of leaders, from the Draconic Jarls to the Dwarven Confederation's Council of Confederate City States. Guilds and businesses are scattered around the continent and use their power to heavily influence the international economy. Religious groups hold power as well; the larger they are and the longer they've been around has affect on said religious groups. And lastly, magick users who are upstanding citizens, however rare magick users are to begin with, often consult other people of power, granting them influence within religions and politics as well as magical power.


The Frontier, on the edge between known and unknown. A place of legends and mystery. The Ancestor Isles is a continent isolated from the rest of the planet. To it's east and west, there are unexplored oceans but there are some who believe that there is land, and people, on the other side. Legends claim ogres existed in TAI but vanished, while the frontiersman claim they have been found. Not much is known about the frontier or what lies beyond.

RELICS: Week 3

Relics in TAS are, generally speaking, only of cultural importance. Most relics and artifacts contain no magical properties. Multiple myths and legends were birthed out of the discovery of some artifacts, however. The Dark Ones, the original form of the Dwarves, have been mostly forgotten but the relics found from that time have caused scholars to dig more and thus, myths and legends form. On the other hand, there are also relics left behind by various deities that may contain a sliver of their power.


While many fantasy worlds utilize a mixture of physical and magical methods of communication and logistics, TAI has the intent to be a bit more on the realistic/grounded side. While magic has the potential to be used for communication, it's extremely rare to used in daily life by your average citizens due to the rarity of the requirements needed to conduct magic. Due to this, physical non-magic methods must exist. Letters, scrolls, books, etc would be delivered by carrier if not by an emissary (representative), even from government to government.

World Meta

I first actively took part in the community with Summer Camp 2021. I went into it thinking "I'll see what it's about..." and came out with mroe confidence in myself and my world. It helped me see where my weaknesses are and where I can improve. And, I found an amazing community while at it.


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Jun 9, 2023 13:22 by TJ Trewin

Good luck in your goal for silver!! You've got this :D what's your favourite type of article to write about?

Journals of Yesteryear

I just finished some new art in my latest article: Pinecrest College of Aviation!
Jun 13, 2023 14:47

Honestly, anything really. I just write whatever my ADHD brain can think up, but in general I enjoy focusing on historically based/inspired pieces such as the Treaty of Crystopia. Made me do a lot of research on various historical diplomatic documents & agreements.