Human Species in The Aldramis Galaxy | World Anvil


"Humanity stubbornly survives."
- Justin Gonzales, Commonwealth Councilman
    Humans hail from the planet Earth. Humans are known for being extremely diverse in ideals, appearance, and lifestyle. Humans in general are a united people, and are known as hardy warriors.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Human males typically stand at 6'1 while females stand roughly at 5'9-5'10 feet tall. All humans obtain two arms, two legs, two eyes, one nose and a single mouth. While humans have the ability to grow hair on any part of their body, typically hair is found at the very top of their head. There are many things that cause variants between humans, typically in skin color, eye color, hair color, and their vocal range. All humans share a common language.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Commonwealth of Man represents the main body of humanity.


Humans, individualistic by nature, now stand more united than ever. A long history of division brought many humans at odds with their fellow kind, however sudden discovery of a hostile alien race forced humanity into a partnership. This alien race, known as the Galakorians brought humanity into a twenty year war. Humanity would emerge the victor, and now stand united as the Commonwealth finds itself in a stronger position than ever.
Average human
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
145 years
Average Height
Average Weight
175 pounds
Average Physique
Humans possess moderate average physique. They are strong but remain agile and quick.


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