Vora'zhul, The Shadow Realm Geographic Location in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil

Vora'zhul, The Shadow Realm (Vor-ah-zhul)


Vora'zhul is the realm of shadows. A land of choking darkness and toxic miasma. Covered in a void-like darkness, it is incredibly difficult to navigate and even harder to survive. It seems even the environment is keen to kill tresspassers and outlanders who were foolish enough to enter. Beyond that, the plane is so suffused with pure darkness that any normal campfire, torch, or fire seems to be smothered and snuffed out within moments. The toxic miasma that hangs in the air and the choking darkness both also seem to want to do the same to any life within the plane. Yet, life still finds a way to survive, perhaps not thrive, but survive all the same within the plane of death and shadow. Besides, many are still willing to make the journey for the rare and exotic materials found within the plane, many even bearing some magical properties that one might not find anywhere else.


The landscape of Vora'zhul is very hostile, even to the most determined of travelers. The craggy, wasteland-like terrain makes it difficult to navigate with steep cliffs and plateaus to narrow valleys and broken flatlands. Precarious rope bridges often hang between these cliffs and rock-faces, swinging over a seeming endless void. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily for most, toxic miasma that is called Vorz'mortam, or 'The Choking Cloud' by the locals, is thinner the higher elevation you are within the realm.   There are many natural geographic wonders to gawk at, or, at least stare at. The craggy wasteland itself would lend itself to some unnatural environments only further augmented by the natural magic of the realm. One of the many unique landmarks used for traveling in the absence of stars is the Monolith of G'var that many of the locals somehow use to gain a sense of direction within the realm.   About six days travel to the west of the Monolith of G'var lies one of the few densely populated regions in the realm, likely due to its higher natural elevation and being one of the few spots where the air feels breathable. Here lies the Xorazzx Mountains where many locals make their home and build their livlihood within the hostile environment. Though, they will still warn to be weary of higher elevations in case one might be spotted by a Vo'thun or 'Shadow Dragon.'   On the other hand, one spot that the locals always say to avoid is about two days south of the Monolith of G'var. A location simply known as G'hen To'va or 'Valley of Spite.' When asked why, the responses are always numerous. Ranging from the thick miasma that hangs over the region, to the fact that not even magical fire will stay lit there (to outsiders). One reason, however, that is whispered instead of spoken, is the heavy presense of Shasui or 'Death Hounds.'
Alternative Name(s)
The Shadow Realm
Plane of Existence


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