The Free City of Bramblewood Organization in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil

The Free City of Bramblewood


A bit of an oddity in the Tear, Bramblewood is a newer Free City, founded by many who sought to be more with nature while maintaining the values of living as traders within the region. They found an island which a large tree which has only since grown since the founding of their town, it's canopy high over the roofs of the wooden houses and guild halls, providing the town with both shade and protection. Many who have visited even say that the townfolks seem to have an almost deific relationship with this tree, making many wonder if there is some dark secret to those who call this place home.

Communion with Nature

Founding Date
A7 412
Geopolitical, Free City
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system


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