Dri'da (Wood Elves) Ethnicity in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil

Dri'da (Wood Elves)

The Dri'da are a simple peoples that populate the woodlands of Abaz'shala. In fact, they are quite populace around these regions and despite their lack of arcane affinity, they do have a very deep connection with the nature around them. In addition, they are also a very nomadic society and very rarely set up permanent homes.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Gweyir
  • Ulesse
  • Myriani
  • Masculine names

  • Ruehnar
  • Ayred
  • Illrune
  • Family names

  • Yekan
  • Roa
  • Uso'le
  • Culture

    Major language groups and dialects

  • Elvish (Dri'da)
  • Average technological level


    Common Etiquette rules

    The Dri'da are a lot tougher and harder of a society than most others. In fact, their etiquette is commonly thought to be non-existent. However, they do show great respect to Druids and Grove Wardens. In the case of the Druids, it is not uncommon for them to bow their head and drop to their knees in respect in a formal setting. In the case of the Grove Wardens, the Dri'da simply bow their heads in respect and do not speak unless spoken to.

    Common Dress code

    In Dri'da society, it is typically looked down upon to wear heavy armor or anything that would weigh a lot due to the necessity of moving around a lot. Because of this, they typically wear little or very light clothing to compensate and add to their ability to move around quickly.


    Beauty Ideals

    Wood Elves are hard workers and while spindly, ideally they are seen to have muscle on them. This along with callused and in general the features of a worker is what is typically seen as "beautiful" by Dri'da and this goes both ways. Even the females are typically more sought after if they are seen as hard workers.

    Courtship Ideals

    In Dri'da society, it is considered a great honor to have your wedding be attended and the rites exchanged via a Grove Warden or a Druid of status. Though neither are necessary, they are oftentimes sought out in an attempt to gain the blessings of nature and life in the lives of the newlyweds. Beyond that, it is considered an added blessing to be allowed to hold a wedding in one of the sacred groves of the Dri'da. This shows the great amount of trust that the Druids and Grove Wardens have placed in those attending, and especially those being wed. Typically this honor is reserved for only ranking members of Dri'da society.
    Encompassed species


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