The Slumbermyst Geographic Location in The Age of Swords | World Anvil

The Slumbermyst

Plane of Dreams, Realm of Hopes and Nightmares

The Slumbermyst, plane of dreams, where reality is shaped by mere thoughts. Both fantastical and nightmarish, this plane is unique as all who dream visit this vivid realm mostly without knowing.  

Size and Time

Unlike most mirror planes, the Slumbermyst differs completely from Artha both in terms of geographical layout and the passing of time. Its layout and features are entirely shaped by those who traverse it. Those who wander about, dreaming, mostly change the landscape without control or knowledge, letting the fluid state of the plane play around with their thoughts and memories.   Time passes without structure, some seem to wander around for years while sleeping and dreaming only a single night. Others are stuck in the same nightmare for hundreds of nights and dreams, experiencing the same horrid visions over and over again. Time is a concept foreign to the Slumbermyst.  



Access and Travel

The Slumbermyst is truly unique both in the way it interacts with it inhabitants as well was how this plane is accessed.  


When one dreams, its subconscience mind enters the Slumbermyst to wander around. Most have no control over this process, few even know the Slumbermyst exists at all. Dreamers wander as their thoughts and memories shape their surroundings, taking shapes of places the dreamers have visited while awake, often these locations are hazy mockeries of their actual counterparts. The dreamer's thoughts project people with which they interact, entirely created and controlled by their own memories and thoughts whether they speak truths or falsehoods. Hopes and terrors alike spring to life in the Slumbermyst.  


A rare few exist that have mastered the traversing of the Slumbermyst. Through careful meditation and practice in dreams they can assume control of their subconscience and travel the plane consciencely. They wander from dream to dream, visiting unwary dreamers. Called Dreamwalkers, these wanderers experience time like it passes on Artha. Only when entering the dreams of others, their perception of time changes.  

Bordering Planes

Both The Faewylde and The Aether border the Slumbermyst. Artha borders the Slumbermyst as well in a sense, although this border is a barrier between conscience and subconscience.   The borders to other planes are scenes of extremely vivid dreams. Shadows from the Aether and vivid colours from The Faewylde influence the dreams that happen here.  


Where the Slumbermyst and the Aether meet is a place of nightmarish semi-reality. Semi-real creatures divised in the deepest depths of the subconscience are born and die with each dreamer that stumbles around there. This location called; The Wastes of Nightmare is truly horrific as some of these demented creatures manage to escape the thoughts and memories of the dreamer and roam around, free and eagers to cause nightmares.


The entire geography of the Slumbermyst is created as dreamers dream. Mountain ranges are created with a mere thought and tiny huts are divised from a dreamers memories.   Slumberwalkers claim to mostly walk in a thick mist until they stumble into a dream. The borders to other the Aether and the Faewylde feature slightly more structural landscape.
Alternative Name(s)
The Fade, The Slumber, The Mysts
Dimensional plane

Cover image: by Tanner Mardis