The Void in The 13 Kingdoms of Strawthorn del Maire | World Anvil
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The Void

I stare into the void today
My mind a blank as I was taught
Then create a flame to light my way
Through passages with danger fraught
  In this darkness is my nemesis
A cunning foe and wiley brute
He calls his home the black abyss
I seek to end his evil root
  As it seeks to end my life
My deeds forgot, my meaning lost
A life time have we lived this strife
My sanity I fear the cost
  I try to kill the elusive beast
Who within the void is formed
But on it lives not hurt the least
Anon and again the evil borned
  I know it is myself I hunt
The part of me that evil be
Twixt good and evil battle shunt
Renewed each day and never free


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