Bowden's Malady Condition in The 'Verse | World Anvil

Bowden's Malady

Bowden's Malady is a degenerative disease that targets the muscles and bones.   It was discovered to breed effectively in the conditions of the terraforming process on Regina. Even those who avoid the mines can be affected.   The treatment for this disease is Pescaline D, a highly valuable medicine on the black market.

Transmission & Vectors

This is an airborne disease


Unknown, but there is a connection with the terraforming air processors and some unknown component specific to Regina


muscular tremors, arthritis, coughing, other


There is no known cure. However, the symptoms can be minimized using the drug Pescaline D.

Affected Groups

Although it affects the miners of Regina more than the general populace, everyone who lives there comes down with it after living there constantly for months.

Cultural Reception

The malady isn't well known in the majority of the 'Verse. The Alliance quietly takes care of the people of Regina by supplying the drug, Pescaline D, free of charge.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: Firefly Verse Banner by Shaudawn


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