Thaiterra Post Sundering ideology shift
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Post Sundering ideology shift

Cultural event


After the Sundering, a generation has passed and things have adjusted with their culture and ideals.

Orphans are less "you just won't have room on the ship and it's the bad luck of the draw" and changed to more of an "you are extraneous to society." Since the Dome has become a kind of a penance, a reward for an apocalypse they believe they've caused, Orphans are unnecessary. They exist, and they are people, but they are distinctly unwanted, and this is the point where we see the real shift to make them an entirely different entity.   Genetically, the vast majority of people have Zahra's gene, as anticipated. So with that in mind, that part of the genetic records goes quiet and stops being such a driving force in population management. The focus is more on maintaining diversity of healthy traits, and ensuring that each insignia still has a bearer.   This last one is important because not all of the insignia are present anymore. The computer is just that, though, and as such it's still trying to create potential paladors for each of them.

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