Therran Language in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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This is a list of the specific terms that I use within the world that might not necessarily mean the same things in modern English. Also naming conventions.  

Slang and Terminology

  Actium: the standard ID badges that they all wear, plural actia
Arveit stormfront: a loanword from the Garruw, meaning an immense, epic storm.
Cardinate: the term for the people who live within regular society
Counterpart: someone who died and was replaced by an equivalent
Equivalent: a scion who was made a cardinate , someone who replaces a counterpart
Equivocate: the process of a cardinate changing their social status to scion
Evocate: the process of a scion becoming an equivalent
Ether: the space in which objects are stored for access
Forge/draft/summon: to call on or construct something by drawing it from the Ether 
Fracture: a crack in the dome, pretty much any kind of emergency that necessitates a lockdown, but especially the ones that involve the dome even if there’s not actually a hole
Half year
: what it sounds like, a period of time equal to half of one of Thaiterra's rotations around the system's sun (and how humans count time)
Orphan/extra/scion: one of the people who are outside of regular society
Palador/signator: term of respect for a member of the Insignia Council
Parentless: the word they use for someone whose parents have died (as opposed to orphan)
Signum: singular insignia, the badges of the council, conveying authority
Siphon: derogatory term for an orphan, coming from the "scion" part of the name and implying that they are a drain on society (despite being responsible for large swaths of infrastructure management)
Sub-group: name for scion family units. Term to designate a member is -in-name. (As in "brother-in-name".)
Tower Bright: derogatory term for a Council Second, stemming from their workplace and the vivid colors of their uniform.
Wight: what humans call the Weinadi, when being offensive.  

Other terms

  True/false dawn/dusk/day/night: since the human day/night cycle involves two full sleep cycles in one actual physical rotation of the planet, and the lighting is regulated by the Dome structure itself, there are words to deal with whether it's actually dawn, or it's the one that doesn't correspond. So if it's literally day outside, then it's true day. If it's dark outside, then it's false day. Easy peasy.    

Common sayings and phrases

  Let the past bury itself. Meaning to leave something alone.


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