Rosh Character in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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Roshiren (a.k.a. Rosh)

One of my two potential POV characters for the story I want to write. Reminds people of a strutting cat.   In terms of personality, he favors a subtle approach, and doesn't like to call attention to himself or to his loved ones. As a "parent", his role is to stick to the rules, make sure they stayed healthy and didn’t do anything too crazy, and keep the order. Orderly, and he keeps track of Cor's habits so that if necessary he can find him in an emergency.   He liked learning in school, and people around him though he found it a comforting place to be. Actually he hated the bullying and segregation but put up with it to learn. Has a fair amount of technical knowledge.   He had a bit of a crush on Anzelia Atrisain during their school days but nothing ever came of it because of their different social classes.   Not super confident in himself, but a decent leader regardless in that he is capable of getting people to work together. He's smart enough to put together connections that other people miss.   That was how he survived. That was how he knew how to keep his family safe, was by keeping his head down and taking advantage of the cracks. He’d survived the last remnants of the Hatharan gang being hunted down, when every orphan in the dome was under suspicion. He’d survived school without drawing attention. He’d survived the first days at his job, when most of them were certain that his mediocre school record and status as an orphan meant they assumed he would probably burn something to the ground on his very first day.   Rosh survived because he kept his mouth shut and moved around the threats. He didn’t confront the blind prejudice, he steered around it entirely. No one hurt him because no one actually saw him. It was why he and Cor got so close to clashing all the time. Because Cor couldn’t help but make himself seen. He saw things happen and his instincts didn’t tell him to hold back and figure out the best way to approach the situation. His instincts told him to confront the problem, to charge in and fix it, never mind the larger issues behind it.   And now he was in trouble, and the selfish part of Rosh was laughing hysterically because of course it was Cor. Of course he was the one in trouble, and that made him feel all the more guilty because this was why Rosh kept his head down, to keep his family safe, and he’d failed so completely.   Owns a knife that belonged to Galt and was passed down from person to person. Ornately carved handle.   His arms were injured in the battle, leading to nerve damage that weakens his hands and causes pain.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall with an athletic build.


Corydon Wildauer

Brother-in-name (Important)

Towards Rosh



Brother-in-name (Important)

Towards Corydon Wildauer


Year of Birth
997 P/DE 21 Years old
Round, brown
Thick, straight, short, sand-colored
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
China white


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