Metatrium Material in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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Called Mtergram by the Garruw, this metal is one of the most crucial pieces of their technology. Metatrium goes into every single computer that they create, and without it a lot of their technology would not function.


Geology & Geography

It's found in areas toward the mountain lowlands, before one reaches the chasms and valleys of the Weinadi. In particular, you can find higher concentrations of metatrium in areas where Amdzha Crystal is common, leading most to believe that there is something similar in how they are composed, somehow. Even then, it's not terribly common, only found in a few regions of the world, including the Agarruta Drei.

History & Usage


Goes through the standard process of heating and filtering a metal to remove impurities. It's all pretty standard stuff. The Garruw do it themselves, of course, since they have that heat breath of theirs.

Manufacturing & Products

While metatrium can be used for other things, the primary product that it's used for is as a part of computer chips for the Garruw processors. The metal forms a base that works particularly well for the hardware, not overheating easily, and being the right level of conductivity for a computer.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

A byproduct of the processing can, under the right circumstances, release a glowing cloud that is toxic to Garruw. Another possible byproduct is a fine black dust that most people are allergic to, and that causes sneezing, but when processed down can be used in makeup products.


Trade & Market

The market for metatrium is high, and the places that have it have an instant market advantage, especially if they're able to refine it themselves.

Law & Regulation

There are laws concerning when it cannot be mined. It can exist close enough to Weinadi homes that those mines are prohibited. If it might provoke attack, then they don't go there.
Common State


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