Introduction to the World of Tessalia in Tessalia | World Anvil

Introduction to the World of Tessalia

Thank you for visiting and your interest in my world. I have put and I am still putting a lot of effort into my worldbuilding and hope to be able to provide a pleasant experience for you while you're here. If you ever feel lost take a look at the sidebar. You will often find additional lore in there that might explain things a little better.
— Eva, the DM - author of Tessalia
Welcome to the world of Tessalia! This article provides a general overview over this world, its geography, its people, its lore and the system functioning at its very core - magic. Of course this article won't be able to give you complete or in detail information. But it will offer a good start and make suggestions for further reading.


Tessalia is a planet in the Veril system, traveling on an approximately circular orbit around its star. It is orbited by its two moons, Eos and Casta, that cause the tides to form. While the remaining surroundings of Tessalia aren't too well known to its inhabitants, the planet itself also keeps some secrets.
With a circumference of roughly 40.000 km the planet offers enough space for a multitude of life in all forms and colours. Most of its surface is covered with water, with an area the size of a small continent beneath the water even consisting of a nation and cities structure not unlike those above sea level.


Avara is one of the three major continents, often also called the Pearl of the South for its tropical climates, strange cultural traditions and varied flora and fauna. The continent spans a massive area around the equator, and is home to the largest tropical rainforest of Tessalia.


Damaris is the most varied of all continents. Reaching from the equator down towards the most southern parts of the continents, its lands offer a variety of biomes and habitats. It is also home to the largest empire the world has ever seen. As such it is often known only as the Imperial Homeland.
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Irsa is one of the smaller continents, rarely looked at and mostly unknown to the modern civilisations. It is only known for its wild nature. Over half of the landmass is covered by a thick tropical rainforest, and the lack of light underneath those massive trees gave it its second name, the Dark Continent.


Isicz is the most smalles, yet most influential of the confidents. It's climate is milder than Irsa's and it is home to the Gates of Elysia, the seat of the gods. Some animals and creatures that live here can only be found here and are often simply by there presence there considered to be celestial.
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Latosh is a mostly undiscovered, underwater continent, lying somewhere between 2000m and 3000m below sea level. It houses a wide variety of sealife and lies right atop one of the strongest magicore veins. As such despite their relative isolation politics, those ruling areas of Latosh are amongst the most influential creatures in the world.


Compared to its sisters Nemeia is rather bland. It is the most nothern continent, also forming the polar continent. In its most southern reaches the climate becomes more tropical. Due to most of the land being fairly hostile to normal life, the majority of nations lies in the more temperate zone while the polar zone is often called a waste land.
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Other Noticeable Geography

Most of the major continents also encompass a few islands. Some though are too far away from the continents and as such are generally considered to be their own geographic grouping.
Such include the Ice Mere, The Lost Isles and Caleba.


There are over 200 nations spread across the globe, not all of which are considered such by a majority of people. The number of organisations is even greater. Some of these nations and organisations influence what paths the world takes, while others simply exist in it. For the purpose of this introduction, only those groups of most importance to the world as a whole will receive a short mention.


The Dragarean Empire

Originally said to be founded by a dragon, the homeland of the Dragarean Empire is Damaris. It is by far the greatest empire the world has ever seen and has almost complete control over its homeland continent.
The majority of the population are dragonkin - those born of dragonblood - in all varieties. The largest minorities are formed by Tieflings, Dwarves and Gnomes. They all receive full citizen status upon birth, though in contrast to the dragonkin they can loose their citizen status again.
Humans, Halflings and Elves do not have this privilege. While there are notable minorities of them existent they have barely any rights within the empire. Most of them are directly born into slavery or eventually end up there at some point in their lives.


Elysia is one of the rare places in the world that is accepted as true neutral ground. It's a theocracy ruled by the Foreclaimer goddess of life. A council of the goddess' highest ranking priests deal with day to day business in accordance to her rule.
The country itself is connected to almost everywhere in the world through a well observed and maintained teleportation network. As such it excels in trade and matters of studying of all kinds of subjects.
Entry to Elysia though is heavily restricted and for most people it takes at least two decades to receive a permit to enter. Those that are already inside can leave easily, but even for them unless they have a permit to return it is uncertain if they'll be able to.  

The Zethrin Alliance

Strictly speaking not a nation, but an alliance of kingdoms, the Zethrin Alliance is one of the most influential organisations on Tessalia. The alliance is made up by nine more or less neighbouring kingdoms and focuses on trade and protection.
The alliance doesn't support wars of aggression but if one of their members gets attacked the others are obligated to support them in their defence. Those that try to further their territory by warring against non-member nations receive sanctions for both trade and free travel. In a sense they are being isolated.  

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