New Reet Police Department Organization in Terrus | World Anvil

New Reet Police Department



  • Commissioner Glyndel T’Ren
  • Captain Hyustus Stagette: NRPD Headquarters Captain


  • Malkiimkrin "Mal" Litrix: Male brass dragonborn, armory overseer
  • Thori Drakegut: Female hill dwarf, archive overseer
  • Biggs Highwind & Wedge Farrell: The two human patrol officers that got tricked by the Black Viper; have since been assigned to desk-duty for the near future after how they handled the arrest


by thouartodd & various (see description)
Major Crimes
The Major Crimes unit specializes in investigating cases related but not limited to grand larceny, kidnapping, and high profile individuals.   Members include:
  • Sergeant Elromior Nellynnthar, male wood elf ranger
  • Detective Susanna Writingham, female human cleric
  • Detective Gavin Duststone, male orc fighter
  • Detective Telchar Wraithmail, female hill dwarf druid
  • Detective Loinarv Bottlehelm, male mountain dwarf paladin
by thouartodd & various (see description)
SIDE is a special investigations unit recently instated by Captain Stagette, formed to investigate criminal or generally unlawful activity with tendencies towards the supernatural.   Members Include:






Related Information

Precinct Distribution

There are 3 precincts in each district. Precincts are denoted by a 2 letter abbreviation for the district and a number one through three (eg. GM-03). NRPD precincts are listed as follows:  
NRPD Precincts
District1st Precinct2nd Precinct3rd Precinct
Central Market CM-1 (NRPD HQ) CM-2 CM-3
Northwall Apartments NA-1 NA-2 NA-3
Grand Market GM-1 GM-2 GM-3
Newtowne NE-1 NE-2 NE-3
East Village EV-1 EV-2 EV-3
Oldetowne OL-1 OL-2 OL-3
Marble Steps MS-1 MS-2 MS-3
West Village WV-1 WV-2 WV-3
Northtown NO-1 NO-2 NO-3
Marshmoss Bluffs MB-1 MB-2 MB-3
Marshmoss Slopes MS-1 MS-2 MS-3
Southtown SO-1 SO-2 SO-3
Atwater AT-1 AT-2 AT-3

Law Enforcement

Code Legal
The NRC Code Legal is a legal system put forth by the Council to be enforced by the NRPD. The purpose of the code is to provide for the public a concise outline of potential of crimes and punishments into which most crimes could fit or be reasonably adapted. Crimes that do not fit the code precisely, or subject to some evidential scrutiny, are brought to legal attorneys employed by the city to review evidence and determine a suitable conviction and/or sentence. Some citizens have the means to employ their own private legal representation.

NRC Code Legal

by Adapted from the Waterdeep code legal

Weapons During Day-to-Day Life
NRC allows open carry of most weapons, limited to one weapon per individual for personal protection. The law does however forbid the use of these weapons in any public spaces. Those found carrying more than one weapon will have all present weapons confiscated, retrievable only upon payment of a suitable fine. Undue use of weapons within the city will result in fines, jail time, and further scrutiny depending on the severity and context of the usage.
Magic During Day-to-Day Life, Legal Procedures, Trials, and Law Enforcement
Today's urban society is relatively comfortable with magic, many household and city-wide items holding permanent enchantments and many everyday people using basic spells for their everyday doings. That said there are some spells that are restricted to only approved licensees, like certain private contractors, businesses, and medical/academic institutions, and some spells and spell categories that are outright illegal to perform within NRC jurisdiction. Similarly, there are a set of regulations established by the NRC Council regarding the use of magic in conduction of investigations, interrogations, and trials. These regulations are enforced to protect both the rights of all NRC citizens as well as to ensure fair trials for non-convicted suspects and follow similar rules, outlined below.
  • Restricted Magic
    • Any spells which may damage property, unless used in an approved context (eg. using Produce Flame to light a fireplace)
    • Any spells which may unexpectedly panic NRC citizens, unless used in an approved context (eg. using Move Earth during an approved construction project)
    • Any illusion spells to mislead another citizen, unless used in an approved context(eg. some illusion spells may be used during performances but not to mislead a shopper or city official)
  • Prohibited Magic
    • Any spells directly affecting another citizen's mental state
      • eg. Zone of Truth forces the target(s) to speak the truth, however that truth is subject to the speaker's perception, understanding, and beliefs rather than the "reality" of the situation. As a result, information gained this way can be misleading evidence in a case when used incorrectly and must be discarded
    • Any spells directly negatively affecting another citizen's physical or mental health
Exceptions are made in law enforcement/legal cases where suspects become dangerous and lethal force may become warranted.
Arrests and Legal Representation
Arrests may only be carried out with sufficient evidence. Refutations are officially logged and reviewed by the NRC City Council, leaving the NRPD liable to pay fines to the wrongfully arrested party, and the officers involved to be met with some disciplanary action if the presented evidence is deemed insufficient. Someone under arrest may request legal representation by a private lawyer, otherwise a city-employed lawyer will be provided. In cases of extreme evidence, case verdicts are handled directly by the NRC City Council and the NRPD leadership at the City Council offices.
Holding and Interrogation
Individuals brought in for questioning are not required to stay for any period of time against their will unless under arrest, though refusal to cooperate with authorities may lead to further suspicion. An individual under arrest may be subject to interrogation, a more involved form of questioning where some psychological tactics may be used at the discretion of the NRPD Officers as outlined by the NRC City Council. Interrogations are subject to the same weapon and magic rules as normal societal restrictions.  

Illicit Substances

As an urban center of population and production, NRC is also home to its fair share of illicit substances which can be found anywhere from high society gatherings to impoverished neighborhoods. In an effort to educate and legislate around these drugs, the NRC Council have put together a classification system also used by the NRPD to investigate and punish drug-related crimes.
Drug Schedules
SchedulePotential for abuse and/or danger to societyExamples
1 Highly dangerous and/or addictive
  • Crust (all forms)
  • True Sight
2 Moderately dangerous and/or addictive
  • Rak
3 Minimally dangerous and/or addictive
  • Cramweed

Dispatch Network

Dispatch Message Extender Network
by thouartodd
NRPD officers communicate with a centralized dispatch office by activating their badges and speaking into them as one-way communicators. A dispatch operator acts as the in-between for the officer and the intended recipient of the communication and is able to communicate with either party from the dispatch office.   The network works by using strategically placed devices enchanted to handle receipt and transmission of specially tuned Message spells. Messages originating from the dispatch office can be communicated to specific individuals or to sets of individuals, normally patrol partners or squads. Messages can only be communicated back and forth within 120 feet of a device.


Rank Description
Officer Patrol officers, assigned to patrol specific zones
Detective Investigatory officers, investigate specific crimes and cases
Corporal Oversee an assigned set of patrol officers and their assignments in a particular precinct
Sergeant Oversee an assigned set of detectives and their assignments in a particular precinct
Lieutenant Manage Sergeants and Corporals at a particular precinct
Captain The head of a precinct, ensures all Sergeants and Lieutenants are managing their teams
Commander Oversee all precincts in a particular zone
Deputy Chief Correspond with commanders in particular zones and ensure efficient design and dispatch of zones and precincts
Commissioner Head of all precincts in a city


All NRPD officers carry the following standard issue equipment:
  1. an NRPD Badge
  2. an NRPD HLSTR
In addition, all officers are able to check out basic equipment - like some basic weapons, lockpicks, and battering rams - from the NRPD Armory.
Civil Services
Notable Members