Ashoka Nakato Character in Terrus | World Anvil

Ashoka Nakato

Ashoka Nakato (a.k.a. Shoke)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up in a lower middle-class family in Northwall. Shoke was always fascinated by metalworking and took up welding at a young age. At age 11, he moved in with his uncle in Kore in order to attend a prestigious trade school to which he was offered a full ride. Around this time, his older sister Chiwa joined a gang and ran away from home. Hasn't heard from Chiwa since.   After graduating from the trade school, Shoke made a living working metal, first in Kore and later back in New Reet. However, he couldn't stop thinking about his sister's disappearance. He made frequent visits to the NRPD headquarters to ask for information about the case, and he discovered it had gone cold over a decade ago. Shoke took the NRPD cadet entrance exam on the spot, vowing to make detective so he could reopen the case.
Current Residence
Black, partially balding
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown
Known Languages
Common Gnomish Gnocish