Moolette Species in Terrus | World Anvil


The domesticated bulette, or colloquially "moolette", is a result of generations of selective breeding of bulette and bovine species. The result is a creature slightly larger than a large bull, which mostly resembles the bulky, plate-covered form of a bulette but with the more docile temperament of its farm-bred bovine ancestors. These moolettes maintain their proficiency with burrowing and tend to be sustained on a more omnivorous diet than their ferocious cousins.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Unlike standard bulettes which hatch in a bloody melee after only a day of incubation, these creatures develop much more slowly, taking nearly half a month (~20-25 days) to hatch and often requiring a period of at least a few months of care from a parent.

Ecology and Habitats

Being a primarily farm-bred creature, moolettes primarily live on ranches, farms, and with specialized breeders who care for them and rent out their services. For the most part, these are located in the plains of mid-to-north eastern Pyrhian Union.

Additional Information


The most drastic differences between a wild bulette and domesticated moolette are their size and temperament. For the most part, they otherwise appear to just be smaller, slower bulettes.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Moolettes were famously used to dig the massive sewer systems of New Reet City, as well as several other housing projects requiring larger subterranean clearing efforts. When not performing bulk excavation, the creatures are cultivated for their unique meat and eggs.

Creature Type

Size category

Average Height
5.5 - 7 feet
Average Weight
2000 - 3000 pounds
Average Length
7 - 9 feet