Terrix Geographic Location in Terrix | World Anvil
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The world encompassing all the creatures, races, and places for the campaign I run for D&D 5th Edition, Sleeping Dragons . Terrix is home to many different sentient beings. Humanoid creatures tend to be the most abundant and clever, making up for most of the population. Humans and Dwarves are responsible for half the humanoid population, with Tieflings and Dragonborn together only making up less than 6%.


Terrix’s rotational wobble is less pronounced than Earth’s—it’s more firmly tilted on its axis, causing less pronounced seasons and a more overall steady temperature in fixed areas on the planet. The slightly smaller size of the planet also causes the days to be slightly shorter, and the gravity is a bit weaker than on Earth. Exxus burns hotter than Sol, but the planet is further away—so the temperatures are relatively alike in sustaining life, but the years are 400 days long.   There are three moons surrounding the planet: Alodel, Wyna, and Tela. The first two are significantly smaller than Earth’s moon, Tela being only slightly smaller but further away and not completely spherical and formed (through a telescope, one can see the somewhat “squashed” shape). For the most part, the effect on the tides is weakened because of smaller moons, but the tides are more varied and unpredictable. Sometimes the tide pull is very strong, when the moons happen to align a certain way.   The stars are very visible from Terrix, save for light-polluted places (from magic or technology, as in Aerilon). Space travel has not yet been achieved through technological means, but planar travel happens often enough that scholars know a little bit about wormholes and that sort of travel. The constellations and stars hold importance to sailors and navigators on Terrix, as well as some who worship deities who put importance on the stars. There are two visible planets (within the Exxus system) with the naked eye in the sky, and a red giant that exists far away but is clearly seen and colored.   There are six main continents, all of which cover around 33% of the planet's surface. The largest continent is Usratia , followed by Makane , Orcran , Aezith , Pylith , and the freezing continent of the south pole, Edres .   Terrix has 400 days per year with approximately 100 days per season. The most widely accepted calendar consists of sixteen months, each with twenty-five days; however, it is more common to name the day, the month, and the year as the date (e.g., 21 Biazath, 4284).

Fauna & Flora

The most legendary and prominent magical animal is the dragon. Dragons comes in all shapes and sizes and types. Each type of dragon could honestly be treated as an entirely different animal, though they all share a love of treasure and powerful breath weapons, as well as an intelligence at the level and above humans. They have innate magic, though they can learn more magic just like any humanoid can. Dragons are also unique in that some like to blend in with humanoid societies and shapeshift, living among them and making friends. They live quite a long time, though, so at some point a lot of dragons become hermits. Their habitats range from the sea, to volcanoes, to the desert, to swamps, and their effects on the environment are profound. They all have different prey (fish and whales, humans, other dragons) and can greatly impact the ecosystem, whether in a positive or negative way. They are rare, especially in the current time in Terrix.   Other magical animals are, indeed, unicorns, as well as others. Unicorns act as forest guardians and try to bring more life into them than death, which annoys most druids as believers in a balance of life and death in nature. It is said that unicorns are born when an exceptionally good person dies, their soul forming the celestial being that is the unicorn. Unicorns are herbivores, but, strangely, they also survive by “eating” the moonlight reflected off the water’s surface.   There are sentient plants that trap their prey, griffins that swoop from mountains like great terrifying birds, huge hibernating beasts like the tarrasque that come and bring balance by causing destruction when needed, magical beasts of the Underdark that could kill with a glance, fae that lure their prey in with tricks and allure, and many other beasts and beings.   As for common wildlife, animals are found in the same types of areas as their equivalents on Earth: whales and other cetaceans live in the oceans, following the currents as they migrate, wolves and deer live in the temperate to colder forested areas, jaguars live in jungles, etc.

Natural Resources

There are some areas that have been deforested, and magic deep in the earth was tapped into and nearly wiped out the world population at one point. Needless to say, the natural world magic energy source was not looked for again, and it was forgotten over hundreds of thousands of years with no trace of evidence of it existing.   Diamonds are important in the world, being gems that are used in cleric spells. Clerics can revive people from the dead, and the longer the person goes being dead, the more diamonds it requires as the exchange for magical energy needed to reform the body and soul of the one who died. Planar energies tie tightly into necromancy and revival magic, and diamonds seem to be the only thing that triggers the calling of the soul back to the body.   Therefore, diamonds are a very valuable commodity, and many mines have been depleted.   Gold quickly became a shiny, coveted metal, and became the main source of currency. Eventually, platinum, gold, silver, and copper became the common world currency. This is mostly thanks to magical teleportation and travel forcing a common currency and language through trade.   Dwarves became the main miners of metals and the most prominent metalworkers. After showing their skill in both of these things, people began peaceful trade with them after a long history of their craft and honest merchants.   Magic and power from extraplanar beings is a commodity often not thought of, but it is coveted. Wars have been started because a sect of people sought power and magic, but became corrupt or brought danger into the lands. One such example is the war between dragonborn and tieflings of old, in Arkhosia and Bael Turath on the continent of Orcran.

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