Torpedos and Water Mines in Terranon | World Anvil

Torpedos and Water Mines

Historical Equivalent: Mines, Torpedos   Eletech Category: Restricted (Military)   Bound Elemental: Fire, Air   Torpedoes cover a large range of mariner devices designed to explode upon contact or proximity to vessels. Some are designed to wait in water, while others actively travel through water to attack ships. Torpedoes left waiting in water are sometimes called water mines, after land mines used to take down city walls. The devices are named after a Ray native to the waters around Avalon, who were the early pioneers in the technology. They are named such because Torpedo Rays, when touched, releases an explosive jolt of energy.   Though mechanical torpedoes have existed for several decades they are generally not very effective, often relying on timers and explosive powders. Modern Eletech Torp are created with a combination of air elementals and fire elementals.   Eletech Torpedoes use fire elementals contained in special chambers. When they encounter ships the fire elemental is released superheating the water nearby to create a devastating blast.   Torpedoes left in water to wait for ships are often ball shaped and chained to sea anchors to keep them in place.   Torpedoes designed to travel through water and attack ships are generally cigar shaped. They originally used air elementals pushing air out of a nozzle to move them through water. Recently a Motainge inventor created a method to use air elementals to rotate a propeller. This has given their Torpedos better range and more stability in aiming. Their advantage, however, was short-lived as Count Fernand Mondego stole the technology from his best friend, and has sold it to several other counties.   Operation requirements: DC 15 Intelligence (Tinker Tools) check to arm. Torpedoes fired at other ships require Torpedo Ship Weapon proficiency, and ranged attack roll.