Refined Tastes Critters Tea and Esoterica Building / Landmark in Terranon | World Anvil

Refined Tastes Critters Tea and Esoterica

A small shop nestled in the heart of the merchant quarter boasts an elegant afternoon tea service and small pets for the wealthy of Eisen. The shop features a wide range of utterly useless magical creatures for sale for nobles and merchants who want to show off their wealth. A far cry from the cat and dog and bird of the “normal” pet shop, The Menagerie offers a variety of critters - in adorable or unusual sizes - to clientele that can afford the most unusual. All of them are…relatively useless… as actual specimens of their species go. All of them need care.   The shop is lined with tanks and cages - all clean - full of a variety of animals. They are well cared for and even pampered and while these are certainly luxury pets, the proprietor seems to ensure her charges will go to good homes.  
  Some of the more exotic examples include: A blink puppy with unreliable blink powers. A teacup sized Gelatinous Cube (complete with tea cup!)n- Great house roomba. A miniature owl bear the size of a house cat A tiny gazer who appears to be blind and floats forlornly around a tank with a bow tied around his tiny eye stalks. A snake like fox that is about the size of a mouse and appears to be sleeping on a bed of tobacco. A red weasel scampering in a wheel. A litter of displacer kittens who keep blipping about their crate. A tiny mimic that keeps shifting between a locket and a pin cushion. A full section of small animated house hold objects - a set of sewing scissors, a key fob, a tea cup, etc A runt pit warg who trots about a pile of fresh shavings. A cage of small black abyssal chicks. The crate peeps often and occasionally emits a bizarre cackle. A foo dog puppy chewing on a large jade bone. A phoenix chick though it appears to not be growing particularly quickly. A tank of miniature flail snails, about the size of mice. A house cat sized fae pony with white, diaphanous wings   A second area provides herbs and tea and other esoteric items found in Marzanna's travels.   The shop is run by Lady Marzanna Laska, a druid scholar with a special love of unusual creatures, the natural world, and discovering the species of Terranon. She has established a small shop to fund her travels but also to provide good homes for the occasional odd specimen she finds that needs care and cannot survive on its own.
Shop, Generic