Player Engagement in Terranon | World Anvil

Player Engagement

Or “How to talk to your friends about the game”

An online game this large is complicated, with overlapping plots at various levels and multiple storytellers. The goal of this document is to give players an idea of how to engage with their Storytellers (ST) and other players to engage in plot and get the most enjoyment when possible.   In this game, Players have to be responsible for their own enjoyment and make their own fun along with the ST. There is simply no way for a single plot to give everyone, at all times, everything they want. There should be no point where you as a player feel like you have no plots that your character can be involved with.   Though specific scenes may be focused on a group, most plots are designed so that several people can be involved. When in doubt, remember our goal is to Meta-game for good RP.  

Cheat Sheet

  • Check the plot channel
  • Contact the appropriate player, storyteller, or narrator for the plot and express your interest. For players this can be done In Character (IC) or Out of Character (OOC)
  • Talk to your fellow players.
  • If there is nothing currently running that you are interested in, reach out to your ST

How plot works in this game

As storytellers, we want you to succeed. Our game is not about the storytellers versus the players, and we are not here to 'win' or show that we're more intelligent than you. If there is something that is confusing, it's more likely that we weren't clear or there's a mixup in communication rather than we're intentionally trying to trick you. Because we know that everyone has life that makes you forget what happened, we created the plot tracker channel where we put all of our plot information that you should know already. In the plot tracker channel, you should be able to find what's going on with a specific plot, as well as next steps that we expect you to take to solve it. This is considered IC knowledge that your character would know. If you need a reminder, or you're confused about the next steps, ask the storyteller. We're more than happy to point you in the right direction.   Remember that the spotlight moves – some plots favor certain types of responses (combat, mystery, puzzles, social) while some plots favor others. If this was a five person tabletop game that ran once a month, the plot would always be tailored to the five people. That's not realistic in a game this size and variety. Some plots will highlight specific players and give them time in the spotlight. That doesn't mean that we're favoring one player over another; it means that we're trying to give everyone a chance to highlight their story.  

Primary Plot

These plots are run by Storytellers on game nights and connect into the meta plot arc of the game. Generally, there will be 4 primary plots run each month and players can choose to be involved with as many as they'd like. Plot notes will be announced in advance for players to register to attend. Each plot will have multiple ways to interact with it, and if a player is interested in interacting with a plot but isn't sure how, they can contact the Storyteller running the plot for advice.  

Personal/Party Plot

In these plots, an individual character or small group of characters are the stars of the show. These plots can highlight a character's background or futher delve into a character or group of characters' personal interests that are not specific to the primary plot of the game.   If you're interested in a personal or party plot, you have a few options:
  • Ask your ST to start one and what type of plot you’d like
  • Offer to self run one. Some players will like this option more than others, but as long as you contact your ST first, you can run yourself through character development plotlines if you have something super specific you want to see happen.
  The difference between personal RP and having a personal plot with ST guidance really is just a matter of how it affects the world around you. Anything that comes from, or effects, the outside world should have your ST looped in.  


If you're still having problems and are having trouble engaging with plot like you want, try the following steps:
  • Overall - start with talking with your ST
  • Are there other plots that you could focus on if this plot seems “full” or the plot is stalled, waiting on the next phase?
  • If you don’t remember where you’re at with the plot, please check the plot tracker channel or just ask – we’ll give you a summary or reminders of what your next step should be.
  • Checking in with the ST about where the plot is and what needs to be done for a next step, or even just as a ‘help I need a clue” is something that seasoned gamers tend to do and is absolutely welcome from the perspective of the ST.
  • If you’re having trouble getting involved because of another player (the IC power structure, etc), please talk to that player. Be specific – let them know what you want to do, what plot you want to be involved with, etc.

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Your Primary Storytellers

  • Lana - Adventurers & Arcane Practioners
  • Jake - Underworld & Working Class
  • JP - Religion & Merchants
  • Troy - Nobility & Politics