Fire Fighting in Terranon | World Anvil

Fire Fighting

Historical Equivalent: Fire Departments, Bucket Brigades, Swabs, Firefighting Companies   Eletech Category: Public, Industrial, Luxury   Bound Elemental: Many firefighting methods are not strictly Eletech devices. Though they are growing in popularity. Many are still mundane, mechanical, and magical methods. Most Eletech is based on the use of Water Elementals, and Air Elementals.     Methods of firefighting predate modern recorded history. Explorers have found ancient water based firefighting pumps in lower levels of Jomdarihm. However much of that technology was lost until it was reinvented in the 1500s. After a disastrous fire in The Free Republic of Montaigne city of Daiphull, the Grand Council funded research into firefighting.   In 1763, the young Montaigne council member Baron Frankil Benjelin, began to advocate for the creation of Fire-fighting companies. These groups were originally volunteer based but have become private commercial enterprises.   Today, all buildings in Eisen were required to maintain a certain number of buckets in case of fire or provided proof of alternate protection methods. Interfering with fire prevention codes can carry stiff penalties up to possible corporal punishment.   Many insurance companies offer rewards to Firefighter companies and arrange for buildings they insure to have special plaques or “Fire Marks” to be displayed as incentives. In richer areas, private firefighting companies were funded with mechanical pumps and equipment. Though Eletech has increased the efficiency of firefighting.   Recently a small movement in Eisen poor quarters has started to advocate for civic funded Firefighting companies.   Rarity: Mechanical firefighting gear have been standardized and are commonly used by firefighting companies. Airdomes and waterspouts are fairly new technology primarily found among the rich, and just recently making their way into a few middle class areas.   Bound Elemental: Airdomes are created using multiple air spirits bound into special poles which when placed around a building create a dome over the building restricting airflow and depriving fire of oxygen. Specially prepared masks allow firefighters to breathe normally when entering the area. Water elementals are bound to bronze tubes called Waterspouts. The tubes produce a control stream of water at the push of a button. The oxidation of the tubes indicates how soon it must receive maintenance.   Operation requirements: While the calibration of Airdomes is difficult, requiring a DC 20 Intelligence (Tinker Tools) check, once set almost anyone can operate them by pressing the correct rune on the pole. (DC 5): Watersprouts are easy to operate but require a DC 15 Strength (Survival) check. Two firefighters often work together to control the tub. A DC 20 Intelligence (Tinker Tools) check is required to perform maintenance after it’s produced about 300 gallons of water.