Farming Technology in Terranon | World Anvil

Farming Technology

Plowing Rods and Wind Shears. Historical Equivalent: Plow, Sickle   Food production has always been a driving force in Technology, and Eletech has started to drastically charge how farming is done. Though several inventors are actively working to create new farm equipment, two have become fairly commonplace.   Plowing Rods are generally three foot long, Sycamore rods capped in stone, and bound with crystal rings. Though other woods have been used, to date the Sycamore seems to be the most stable. The wielder focuses on the area they wish to plow and the elemental bound to the rod first turns ground, removes any stones, and then plows rows. The quality of the rows depends on the user's skill. Using the Plowing Rods is not physically taxing, but the process can be mentally taxing. A 30 acre farm can be plowed in a day, rather than taking several through traditional methods. It’s common for four households to share a 120 acre plot of land, combining their funds to purchase or rent a set of cuminal rods.   Wind shears appear to be a very ornate quarterstaff with an odd metal cap on one end. When activated the Wind Shear creates a blade of wind designed to cut through vegetation. The motions of using it are similar to sickles making it easy for farm hands to quickly learn to use them. The Wind Shears make harvesting much faster and take far less physical effort.     Eletech Category: Public - typically purchased by a noble with tenet farmers for better production    Bound Elemental: Plowing Rods contain bound Earth Elementals. Shearing Staffs contain air spirits.   Operation requirements: Plowing Rods require a DC 14 Intelligence Check (Nature) to operate. Those with magical talent or skill in using magical tools have a DC 12. Shearing Staffs require a DC 9 Strength Check (Athletics). A DC 20 Intelligence (Tinker Tools) check is required to perform maintenance.