Drugs in Terranon Tradition / Ritual in Terranon | World Anvil

Drugs in Terranon

Drugs, both legal and not, were a common part of life in the Victorian era and are equally a part of life in Terranon. Legal drugs were those often used as medicines or otherwise deemed to have little harm on the user, while illicit drugs were those that caused serious side effects and could be fatal if misused.   Among the upper classes, light drug usage was acceptable if kept subtle and private, but overindulgence was seen as hedonistic and unseemly. Drug usage was far more public among the lower classes, although many could not afford the high prices of quality substances, indulging more in readily-available or cheap varieties.   Below are a list of substances that one can obtain in Novandria, their effects, and how they are used  

Legal Drugs

Allnight is an alchemically-created compound made from a mix of reagents. Sold as a wafer to be ingested, allnight gives the user a large dose of energy for hours, but can cause jitteriness and trouble concentrating; furthermore, once the drug has worn off, the user is left extremely fatigued.   Bachelor Snuff
The leaves of the gilded fern are dried and processed into bachelor snuff, which when inhaled causes temporary infertility in humanoids without affecting their performance. The effect lasts for one to three days, depending on the user’s constitution. Frequent users develop a golden tinge to their hair and fingernails.   Cannabis
The cannabis plant’s leaves, like tobacco, have a wide variety of uses. The leaves may be smoked in several different instruments, vaporized, eaten, taken as tea or tincture, and so on. Cannabis can create feelings of euphoria, heightened sensitivity, time distortion, introspection, and creativity, but can also cause anxiety, panic, hunger, and hallucinations.   Cocaine
Cocaine, processed from the leaves of the coca plant, is found in medications for coughs, toothaches, indigestion, and melancholy, but it is also used for recreational purposes by being snorted, heated and inhaled, or injected. Cocaine is a stimulant, causing feelings of euphoria, arousal, and increased energy, but can also cause agitation, disassociation with reality, increased heart rate, and sweating. It is addictive.   Opium
Derived from the sap of a species of poppy, opium is used medicinally as a painkiller and as a cure for many ailments. Opium is recreationally used for its relaxing and soporific effects, and can be smoked, ingested, or made into tincture and drunk. Despite its painkilling effects, opium can also cause dizziness, nausea, and trouble breathing. It is addictive   Special mention must be made of Laudanum, a tincture of opium in wine and used primarily as a cough suppressant and pain reliever, especially for menstrual issues. It is particularly popular among the working class.   Tobacco
The cured leaves of the tobacco plant may be used in many ways -- cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, hookahs, and more. Tobacco causes a release of adrenaline, causing alertness and stimulation of the body, but can also cause jitters and surliness. It is addictive.  

Illicit Drugs

The bark of the dreamwood tree is dried and steeped into a bitter tea. Dreamwood causes vivid, colorful hallucinations and sometimes prophetic visions, but the plant is volatile and can cause aggression and madness in the user.   Heroin
Heroin is a heavily processed and concentrated form of opium with two to three times the standard potency. The drug is typically injected into a vein, although it can be smoked, snorted, or ingested. It creates an increased feeling of euphoria, but is highly addictive and causes respiratory issues, drowsiness, impaired mental function, and can be fatal in large doses.   Sutara
Sutara, an alchemically synthesized liquid, is bright blue and comes in tiny vials to be drunk. Sutara causes euphoria in the user, making colors brighter and sensations more pleasant. However, repeated usage decreases the user’s mental faculties, leaving them gullible and susceptible to mental influence.   Vayav
Vayav, created by the alchemical processing of particular mushrooms with a combination of reagents, is a pulpy violet mash that is smoked through special pipes. Vayav creates feelings of euphoria and invincibility, and heightens the feeling of both pain and pleasure in the user. The drug is highly addictive, not only to the user, but potentially in those who simply inhale the fumes secondhand.
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