Beastkin Species in Terranon | World Anvil


“Fear is a powerful beast, but one can learn to ride it.”

Beastkin History

The origin of Beastkin has been lost in history. Some believe that Fodla created the Beastkin, and then used them as a basis to create the other beasts in the world. Other versions say that Fodla created all the beasts, and then selected the best, granting them power and sentience. The truth may never be known. It’s said that whenever a mortal has asked Folda about which is true, she simply smiles.   No matter how they came to be, the Beastkin have become part of the civilized world. Though they can not claim any country as truly their own, they walk in every role from commoner to high noble. In some places, there are also still some pastoral tribes of Beastkin who choose to follow their traditional tribal heritage.  

Beastkin Culture

The Avian of Eisen are well known for having regular group flights followed by picnics each month. All races are welcome at the picnic. A few adventurous druids able to shapeshift, and spell casters able to fly, have even joined in the flights.   In the last century, the more aquatic Beastkin had taken to holding a marathon swim to one coastal island near Novandria each summer. The event, initially informal, has gained attention to the point that the Eisen Navy now oversees it, and ensures the waters are safe. This is due in part to the death of Admiral Jeremiah Naveen, a Grung, who was killed by a Kraken while taking part in the Marathon. It’s become common for those serious about the marathon to spend their days off throughout the year practicing.  


Many Beastkin still pay homage to Fodla, even those that have chosen to follow other gods. She is still commonly viewed as a mother figure to their race.  

Beastkin in Eisen

The Beastkin in Eisen do not have any unifying structure among them. Though Beastkin of similar types such as Avians, or Reptilian, do tend to have closer ties.   Historically though, the Arakocra, Kenku, and Owlin have been used as airborne scouts and to handle the odd encounter of airborne threats. With the introduction of private Airships, Eisen has created a core of them who are responsible for airship inspection and rescue.   Lizardfolk are rarer in Eisen, especially in the cities. They maintain good relationships and accept the Eisen government, but prefer their heritage.   The Grung, Lutrin, and the Tortle are well thought of, many of them being part of the Eisen Navy. It’s not uncommon for them to do a few years in the Navy before transitioning to one of the shipping companies. The Navy maintains a program allowing sailors to work toward their Journeyer in the Ancient League of Mariners while serving in the Navy.   The Haregon and Tabaxi both have a large strong presence in Eisen particularly among the Transeisen Order of Messengers and Journalists. A friendly rivalry has formed between the two groups over the last decade. The most recent being a number of competitions that lead to Petyr “Pippen'' Itsko becoming the Guild Administrator of Novandria.   Though they are welcome in Eisen, there are very few Loxodon and Yuan-ti in Esin. That said, those that do live in the Eisen are to be noted. A family of Loxdon has maintained a presence at the Academia Casus running a series of finishing classes for two centuries. It’s well known as one of the better schools for nobles. The Yuan-ti are noted due to Rosella “Zazel” Richer, who leads a traveling circus that moves through Eisen, Patlov, and Montaigne. She is most famous for firing herself from a cannon.   Due to their need to regularly submerge, the Locathah are most commonly found in cities and towns on the coast. Many of them have found work at the docks maintaining boats due to their ability to work on the hulls without putting the ships in dry dock.   Several prominent members of the Minotaur species live in Eisen. Due to their unerring sense of direction, they have a history of leading caravans before the world became tamer. Today, several of them still work for or own land-based shipping companies.   Though recognized as members of the Beastkin, Shifters tend to fit in more among the Stoneborn of Eisen than the Beastkin.  

Beastkin in Other Countries

The Kingdom of Avalon generally accepts Beastkin but the majority of them are peasants unless they show strong magical talents. Yuan-ti, in particular, are raised up as they often have strong innate magical talents.   Along the southern Shores of Castille, lizardfolk are known to be some of the best seafolk. They are often sought after by shipping companies. The town of Cazin, which is primarily made up of lizardfolk, is well known for contracting out its sailors each season to the highest bidders. Other Beastkin are common but not often as respected as Lizardfolk.   In the last century, the Beastkin presence has risen in The Free Republic of Montaigne mainly due to the actions of Duke Senu of Savory, a Tortle. Duke Senu started as a peasant and won his first title in a game of chance. Since then, his slow and steady approach to things has allowed him to navigate the political waters of Montaige and rise to the title of Duke.   Patlov has kept many of its views and traditions concerning Beastkin from its time as a Principality of Eisen.   There are almost no lizardfolk in Ruskovich due to them being most easily affected by its harsh and cold climate. The other Beastkin tend to live in small isolated communities due to the country's racial segregation but their population is small compared to other countries.   There is a large population of Beastkin in the Summerlands that date back to the Mythic Age when the tribes used to war. Of the Beastkin, the Shifters hold the highest standing, often working directly for Vampire Lords and being responsible to maintain their estates.   All Beastkin are welcome in Vesten as long as they can prove their worth. One of the Six Great Clans is heavily made up of the Tabaxi, however none of the Beastkin are on the ruling council.   In Vodacce, particularly southern Vodacce, there are tribes of aquatic lizardfolk who are welcome in many of the port towns and work well with the locals there, though they are generally considered foreigners.  

Famous Beastkin

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