Wheelwright Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Wheelwright Guild


The Wheelwrights have a small presence on Atlantis due to the use of Disks rather than Wheels and animals. However, huge loads are still in need of wheeled movement. Also Wheels are used extensively in Windmills, water mills, and pulley/ block and tackle systems. The Wheelwrights are however trying to expand their reach hopefully in areas where the disks cannot replace them.


  Pulleys (Page 73 AURORA Gear Catalogue) Block and Tackle
  • this kit includes 100' of rope.

  • Pulley Capacity:
    100 lb 3gp
    200 lb 7gp
    500lb 15gp
    1000lb 25gp
    Double Two Pulley 1 ton capacity 35gp

    Chains - per 25 ft.
    Dia Cost Wt(lb) Load (lb)
    1/8" 6 sp 6 12
    1/4" 2 gp 18 96
    1/2" 5 gp 36 970

    Dia Cost Wt (lb) Load (lb)
    3/4" 9 gp 98 2,300
    1" 17 gp 130 5,000
    2" 25 gp 210 12,000
    3" 35 gp 400 27,000
    4" 60 gp 700 65,000

    Iron Chain - cost price
    Steel Chain - Cost X2 and double the load.
    Silver - Cost X 20
    Gold - Cost X 200
    Wheels for carts



    Waterwheel for Mill 300GP

    Windmill and mill spoked sprockets 50GP per 10ft diameter or fraction thereof. 

    Guild, Craftsmen


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