Vermin and Nightsoil Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Vermin and Nightsoil Guild


The Keepers and Cleaners of the Sewers and Night-Soil Pits of the Kingdoms are overseen by an appointed Justice. This Justice is deemed the Guildmaster of Vermin and Night-Soil Collectors.  

Oath of the Justice of Sewers

You shall swear, That you shall diligent∣ly, truly, and circumspectly peruse, view, and search from time to time, all and singular such damages, perils, defaults, and reparations, that shall at any time happen or chance to be within any of the Banks, Walls, Sewers, Troughs, or Sluices, within the Precinct of the Level, as far as the limits of your Office shall extend, and the same with all diligence, to the uttermost of your power, procure to be presented unto her Majesties Commissioners or Sewers, and the Jury that are or shall be impaneled for such causes, that the same with all expedition may be amended and repaired; and to do and execute all and every other thing and things whatsoever that shall appertain unto your said Office, as nigh as longevity shall give you grace to breathe and speak.  

Core Materials

  Stable manure and nightsoil have been used as fertilizers by the farmers of   Stable manure and night soil have been used as fertilizers by the farmers of Japan from time .   Vermin inspector (where this work is not carried out by an officer) ... and disposing of night soil,.   The word "gong" was used for both a privy and its contents. As the work was considered unclean and off-putting to the public, gong farmers were only allowed to work at night, hence they were sometimes known as nightmen. The waste they collected, known as night soil, had to be taken outside the city or town boundary or to official dumps for disposal.   but the working life of a gong farmer was "spent up to his knees, waist, even neck in human ordure".[7] They were only allowed to work at night, between 9pm and 5am.[nb 1] They were permitted to live only in specified areas, and were sometimes overcome by asphyxiation from the noxious fumes produced by human excrement. Positions under-scavengers, or rakers, managed by two scavengers   . that the stone is “buried not only in the earth, but in a dung heap
Guild, Privateers


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