Thieves Tools Item in Terraia | World Anvil
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Thieves Tools


Master List of Thieves Toolkit

  QUESTLINE: A Rogue DOES NOT just buy their tool kit in one shot. THAT''S FOR MUGS. It must be acquired piece by piece - going from store to store to acquire it - the list of tools in the kit is given and the price of each item/set of tools in the kit - to be acquired is also given to the rogue prior to their full entry into any guild. A new guild means a new kit to be acquired - it is the first real rite of passage step of a would be rogue. If the rogue can acquire the items for less than the asking price - whether through theft, manufacture, or haggling - then they are held in higher regard as they start in the guild. This test is only done for the Thieves Tool Kit (NOT the Non-standard Specialist Tools) = although Rogues seeking to specialise may need to again prove themselves.        1. In stock Thieves Tool Kits and Thieves Tools - COMPLETED
2. Non-standard Specialist Tools for Kits - COMPLETED

1. Thieves Tool Kit/ Thieves' Etui

Source: White Dwarf Magazine 45 Page 17


  The Thieves Etui is a Toolkit Case and as a standard version along with several extras that can be added to enhance the skills being used is critical for success as a thief.   The Kit itself is quite bulky but the Set Lockpicks - in leather case noted below is the actual Etui - small carry case that is potentially concealable all by itself. BUT THE ROGUE MUST NOTE THIS DOWN ON THE CHARACTER SHEET SEPERATELY TO SHOW THIS.

Standard Kit

2. Specialized Kit Elements

These are acquired as is needed by the Rogue later. 
Item type


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