Tetraktys Seals Tradition / Ritual in Terraia | World Anvil
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Tetraktys Seals


A Tetraktys (τετρακτύς) is a simple statement set out in increasing syllable count for each line of the statement. Starting at a single syllable word, and increasing in syllables for each sentence up to four for the fourth line.

The Tetraktys is the base form of Prose Prophecy and Seal Magic used in Atlantis prior to the Dwarven Runes. The Tetraktys Writ is a form of Sealing Ritual that is normally used in Prophecy and Building Engravings to inform the reader very clearly of what is supposed to be known - but does so in an increasingly or decreasingly complex manner.


Increased Syllable Forms

Although seemingly having the least power of the increased syllable written seal, some argue that the Tetraktys (four syllable Version) is the most potent of seals as it has a perfect ten syllables within it for complete 'locking away' of all evil in all dimensions.The forms of these 'poems' ranges from 4 to 9 syllables being present in the last line. So there are Tetraktys - up to 4 syllables, Pentaktys - Five Verses, Heptaktrys - upto 6 syllables, Septaktys(and other names for the same) up to 7 syllables, and a Nonatraktys - 9 syllables. The meaning of these numbers is still unknown. Each set of 'seals' has a dominion based on the number of syllables in the seal. (But none of this is proven as it is the Gods who seem to use this type of seal as magic, but the poem format is used extensively in prophecy and oracles. 


The Pentaktys

The Five components of Physical Forms (Head, Legs, and Arms) are said to be embodied in the five different verses of this type of seal.

The Hexaktrys/Hexaktys

The Six components of the Atlantis Continent - Island, are said to be linked to the Hexaktrys.

The Septaktrys/Septaktys/Heptaktys

The Seven components are said to be linked to the Seven Colors of the Rainbow and its links to Illusionary Magic as well as the Hesperides.

The Nonatraktys

  The Nine components of the Muses which inspire art and magical creativity are said to be linked to the Nine Syllable format.

Increased Complexity Forms


This is the basic format used, in which the form of the prose or poem simply increases in syllables up to the last line. This is seen as a simple seal or informing prophecy.


The Descending Form is in reverse to normal and is often a sign of an extra dimension to the magic or the statement. In this case the highest syllable line is done first and then each line drops a syllable down to the last single syllable line.

Double Ascending

This format uses the same as the above to make either a single or a double statement.

Triple Ascending (The Writ Tree)

The Writ Tree is formed by three of the tetraktys forms of statement being placed one after the other - and stylistically looks like a type of Pine Tree. (These are rumored to be preferred by Ares).


  The Writ Diamond is created by the statements suddenly going from a higher syllable format down to a single syllable word on the last line.


Single Letter Writ

  This form of Tetraktys is said to be the most ancient, it is done by writing only one letter in the fist line and then increasing the number of letters by one for each line until the whole word is written out.

Cascading Writ

This is the most complex and involves an ascending Tetraktys form of writ being followed by two or more writs that make use of the first and last words in the last line of the written form.


Historically it is claimed that Zeus created the first Tetraktys Ritual when he placed a Seal over the Cenotaph of Typhon. Some historians doubt this, as the Tetraktys form used in that case was a Pentaktys Diamond - which is even rarer in form. 


Key Historical Sites of Written Rites

Key Tetraktys Writ Containing Documents

The Emerald Tablet

Key Tetraktys Writ Locations

    The Talos Pyramid

Mount Gyber Aetna

First Eye of the Moon Prophecy

Locations of Tetraktys Prophecy Use

  Eye of the Moon
Primary Related Location


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