Social Class Charts in Terraia | World Anvil
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Social Class Charts


The Atlantean Races are very society focused, and are in some cases even descended from Gods, this enables all characters to determine their social status on the Social Class Chart (Page 82 AD&D Unearthed Arcana )

However Atlanteans are inherently from a more noble stock, this allows characters to be of a higher social class than usual (5D10+ 50). This gives characters a minimum start point of Upper Middle Class families, and increases their chances of coming from higher ranking parts of society.

Page 25 of the AD&D Unearthed Arcana outlines the money and gear available to all Fighter Classes and Sub-classes of the Higher Social Classes.

Other Classes all have their starting money calculated with the sale of unnecessary equipment from the same listing.

01-04 Lower Lower Class (LLC)

05-10 Middle Lower Class (MLC)

11-20 Upper Lower Class (ULC)

21-35 Lower Middle Class (LMC)

36-55 Middle Middle Class (MMC)

56-87 Upper Middle Class (UMC)

88-96 Lower Upper Class (LUC)

97-99 Middle Upper Class (MUC)

00 Upper Upper Class (UUC)


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