Order of Tooth and Claw Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Order of Tooth and Claw


The Order of Tooth and Claw is in fact two orders. The Order of the Tooth is the Order of Rangers who guard the greenwood of the Kingdom. The Order of the Claw is a Druidic Order based in those Greenwoods.

The Druids of the Order always seek to guard their Drunemeton (Δρυνεμετον) or Holy place of oak'. This is a stand of sacred oak trees. From  drus, lit. 'oak', and nemeton, lit. 'sacred ground'.


This is a Druidic Order. The Highest level is a 23rd Level Hierophant of the Red Claw Cabal. The label of Red Claw precedes all titles in this order.


This order works in conjunction with the Rangers of the Tooth to jointly protect the Upper Reaches. The Druids of the Claw are formed into an aggressive order  that actively protects the Sylvanik Forest from logging and exploitation. It works hard to ensure that the entire ecosystem is self maintained by dealing with any incursions very strongly. They give hunting access only to Rangers of the Tooth. Any others in the area do run the risk of attack if they wantonly hunt and destroy parts of the forest.

Public Agenda

The Red Druids present an aggressive public face, but are in actuality very understanding when encountered in the forest. They allow some hunting for food or for protection from attacks by bears and similar beasts in the forest. Travelers are welcomed and permitted through, locals however are monitored very carefully and aggressively as it has been recognised that it is the local population who cause the most damage.


The Druidic Order holds a charter from the King that allows it to control the entire Sylvanik Forest, the druids control all elements of the land and have a large Drudic Circle hidden in the northern most part of the forest along with a small Druidic Village and Hostel/Tavern for followers.   The number of Druids in the area actually number in the hundreds. With positions up to Level 14 currently being filled - positions above that are now empty - this has left many areas for expansion of the Upper Levels in the Order over the next few years. The Sylvanik Forest actually holds a large training establishment hidden beneath the village - which allows for the Druidic Mysteries to be extensively trained in.


The Order is a joint Order - being an Order for Druids (Order of the Claw) and the Order for the Rangers of the area (Order of the Tooth). It is rumored that the first Master of the Order had actually been an Elven Ranger/Cleric who considered the Druids to be a closer match to his vision of the 'perfect nature priesthood'. The Joint Order was born from this.

Dente crescit et unguibus ruber (Red in Tooth and Claw)

Founding Date
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
The Red Druids
Controlled Territories

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