Orc Species in Terraia | World Anvil
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The Orcs are the most prolific of Humanoids in Atlantis.The Orc tribes have several foothold positions at the edge of Atlantean Kingdoms and have made large in roads into the Dwarven Kingdom through extensive warrens and complexes of tunnels. Recently the Orcs have become even more aggressive towards enemies of their nations.


Name Origins

The Orc species is said to be named after the God that created them - Orcus - the Underworld form of Hades. However any Orc hearing this will attack the speaker instantly - all Orcs dislike the Gods. The name was originally linked to Demonic Forces, but was corrupted to be used as a reference to those who had rejected all Gods. The species is also said to have leant its name to the Ziggurat that they built in defiance of all Gods - the Ziggurat of Ur.

There are several Orc Tribes that have grown very strong in the past few decades. The known ones include:

Vile Rune

  The Vile Rune use dark Rune magics to forge their weaponry and appease Hades through extensive sacrifice which makes them unique among Orcish Bands - most ignore the Gods.

Bloody Head

Death Moon

Broken Bone

Evil Eye

Leprous Hand

Rotting Eye

Dripping Blade

Broken Moon

Blood Moon

Basic Information


The Orcs are a humanoid race with extensive musculature. Their appearance was first described by Ludovico Ariosto, according the Chronic Anachronism found in the Atlantean Library, in a poem entitled Orlando furioso, from 1516, the hero, Rogero deals with a boar-headed (pig eyes and tusked mandible) Orc.
Scientific Name
Homo orcus turpificatus
Condemned Corpses
Conservation Status
This species is highly prolific, being able to breed successfully with almost any bipedal form.
Related Ethnicities


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