Monastic Levant Order of Eurus Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Monastic Levant Order of Eurus


  The Levant Order of Eastern Storms s is the founding Rule of the Order of the East Wind. It outlines the rules by which the order is controlled and lists the powers and ranking system of the Levant Order - the Lawful Neutral Order of the Storms. It, like all the Orders, is based on the Regula Magistri of the Boreans, which was the first Order established.
Eutus/Eurus is the wind-lord of the east wind and is commonly encountered in the Autumn months when he changes the nature of the atmosphere itself. He is also known as, according to Hesiod (Theog. 378,, 869), Argestes., and so another name for the order is the Argestian Order.

The Monks of this order seek to match his power - and therefore consider themselves to be storm-like in intensity also. They have a crystal clear objective - bring all to heel under the rule of being in your correct place in society, performing your role for social order, and never swerving from that duty.

As such the Order often seeks to adventure and bring 'to heel' any forces of chaos encountered that are holding back social order and cohesion. The seeming irrationality of some of their behaviors come from their rules about conformity - there is a sheer lack of conformity in many areas of society that they must correct. All things must proceed according to their position in society. That must be adhered to in all ways.

Decreasing Obsession on Height Quality

This is taken to an extreme by many of the monks who perceive slights against those of higher breeding or higher standing to be unforgivable. They will therefore often remove themselves from view and then sneak back in to reorganise the world into it's correct order. Bottles will be reorganised into height order, drinks and furniture reorganised, even animals shifted around to be in descending order of height - starting from the East.


Rationale Behind Behavior
Leaders' View

This is promoted by the fraternity because it creates order but causes others to under estimate the warrior monks of this Order. They know that as one of the only Lawful Neutral groups in existence they must take all the advantages they can get.

Novices' View

The Gods have decreed that the highest and tallest are given their height so as to receive greater blessings and be closer to their gods. The shorter and smaller creatures are made so that they know from the moment they view another that their correct position is lower than the tallest among them.

The Order requires that all monks be at least 6' (180 cm) in height, none lower than 6' 1" have ever been granted Grandmastership - although there are many who are ready to prove that rule incorrect.

Lightning strikes the highest point - this shows the blessings of the storms to be given to the tallest.
As the monk gains in level the obsessiveness of this behaviour becomes less and less and eventually is ignored completely - however at lower levels it is an effort to control this desire to reorganise the environment in this way.

Bonus Skills

  As a result of this, the monks of this order can estimate height, height above the ground, and depth below the ground (which is not liked but are deemed necessary for the clearing of all levels of existence).

They love climbing and jumping - seeing climbing as the noblest of pursuits.

These Monks gain any three of the following skills (no cost) at 1st level.

Freefall 1 Dexterity -2 War Captain's Companion: Book I (pg. 7) WarCapI 7

Jumping 1 Strength 0 Player's Handbook (pg. 61) PHB 61

Tightrope Walking 1 Dexterity 0 Player's Handbook (pg. 64) PHB 64

Tumbling 1 Dexterity 0 Player's Handbook (pg. 64) PHB 64

Forked Lightning
Stormwielder (Hybrid Split Class Change)

  The Storm Monks have a group of monks who at 7th level change class to Wizards. The requirements include having an Intelligence of 15 or higher and having gained a minimum of 60,000 experience (5,000 points above the 7th level minimum requirements). Having done this, the Storm monk can then change over to be a 7th level Wizard who specialises in electrical and necromantic (touch) based magical spells.

The new 'electromage' can cast only Necromantic, and Electrical spells as a part of their open hand attack.

The chance of learning a spell of these qualities is a 100% regardless of intelligence.

The new wizard casts electrical and necromantic spells as a part of their hand weaving patterns in preparation for a strike - it is therefore impossible to tell if they are fighting normally or using a spell in combat - up close and personal.

All other spells must be checked to see if they can be learned at a -25% penalty, and require normal spell components to be cast.

The Levant Wind creates Rivers of Clouds
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Storm Chasers,
Lightning Bugs,


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