Horses - Tarpan Species in Terraia | World Anvil
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Horses - Tarpan


  Poseidon as the God of Horses, ensured that the best breeds of horses were placed on Atlantean Soil. These include breeds such as the Konik and Tarpan horses of war, as well as more magical steeds including the Unicorn and Pegasi breeds. The is considered the epitome of the Horse species and a symbol of Poseidon himself in some areas.

AD&D Rule Linkages

Horse - under the Monstrous Compendium Volume 1
2nd AD&D DMG: - Page 36 - Using Charger Measures as standard for this Breed. NOTE: If the Tarpan is itself of a higher quality than a normal Tarpan - then the Charger Measures are applied again.

Attributes - Pure Bred Tarpan

AC 7
Alignment Neutral
HD 4+6
DA: 1-8/1-8
Size Large
Movement: 23
Encumbrance: 345/518/691

Gaiting Ability: The Tarpan is naturally gaited and will know a random 2 more gaits than normal. BUT this does not apply to Tarpanic Paladin Mounts - their Lawful nature is said to negate the ability to develop variance in their gait abilities.

Basic Information


The Tarpan is of the noblest blood line at this point, and the color of pure Tarpans is bay - ranging in color from dark brown,  to a lighter brown (cream-colored or mouse-colored). The mane is long and flowing, but is said to turn short and frizzy if the bloodline is watered-down from Purebred stock. The color of the points, as with all bays is  black, as are the tail and legs. The ears vary in size and are high on the head, with small but intelligent eyes.

Biological Traits

Males and Females have the same life expectancy
Males are on average 2 hands taller

Genetics and Reproduction

The Tarpan is one of the Harbinger Breeds of Animals - a core set of animals that act as the forebears of their entire species. As an animal holy to Poseidon the Tarpan is carefully bred and the stock is maintained by the Atlas Royal family as a part of their heritage. The Tarpan can cross breed with any other Horse, but any such breeding results in a loss of the flowing mane in the next generation as a sign of the degeneration of the stock.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Tarpan follows the standard Horse growth rate, up to a certain point, with training under a saddle starting in it's second year and from that age capable of being ridden. However a Tarpan lives much longer and can be ridden until just after middle age to about 30 years of age. The lifespan of a Tarpan is however exceptionally long for horses - ranging up to 45 years.

Ecology and Habitats

The Tarpan loves the long open plains of the Atlantia Planetia plain that stretches across the Atlantis continent nearest to the Palace and Capital. They perform well in all terrains but are particularly suited to running near water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Tarpan prefers fresh grass from meadows but can forage for food in nearly any environment being skilled at finding water sources, even in the driest of deserts. In addition the Tarpan can, once per day, cast a Create Food and Water spell for itself or it's foal through it's strong connections to Poseidon. (The food will be grass and perhaps oats, which can be used also by the rider (20% chance) but the water will be perfectly pure water for all present at the time of casting. 2D20 litres per HD of the animal if measurement is needed.)

Additional Information

Social Structure

Herd Social Structure with one main dominant Male per herd.


This horse is extensively used by the Royal family and the Cavalry of Atlantis.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Focused on Atlantea Plaentia and the Atlantis Capital Environs

Average Intelligence

Int: 12 - 14

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As with all horses, the Tarpan is incredibly hard to surprise - with only the very rear of the animal being it's blind spot. it is therefore only surprised on a 1 in 6 and by Elves (and similar subspecies) on a 1-2 in 6 chance.

Civilization and Culture


The Tarpan is the noblest ideal of the Horse Species - a Horse Harbinger Species that Poseidon has bestowed on the Atlantean Island.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Equus ferus ferus AKA Equus Poseidia
45 Years
Conservation Status
This horse is of noble stock and was one of the first created by Poseidon - it is said that should the following of Poseidon ever falter than the species will degenerate in stature and status with every generation until it is extinct. However, currently the Tarpan is a noble Destrier of the highest stock, equal in most ways to the Paladin Mount and in some individuals, superior to them.
Average Height
Destrier Quality: 18 hands high. (Heavy Warhorse)   Charger Quality: 17 hands high (Medium Warhorse)   Courser Quality: 16 hands high (Light Warhorse)
Average Weight
650 to 700 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Bay in Coloring with Black Points
Geographic Distribution


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