Haberdashers Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Haberdashers Guild


The Haberdashers Guild is a guild focused on head gear. Originally it was linked to the Milliners - the Clothiers of Milan. This ranges from normal hats through to armored helms. However, they are best known for their supply of sewing equipment and variety in terms of both materials used in making hats, caps and hoods, and styles of same.

  The correct style of hat or cap has been seen to enhance the effects of initial contact in social situations - providing a +03% reaction roll in some cases - depending on the style of hat and its level of workmanship. In addition such hats or caps can act as distractions but also allow for their use as a component of disguises.

Standard Haberdashery Supplies

Mercury Vials

Haberdashery - Rogue Supplies

Reversible hat +1 GP to standard price (Two colors - characters' choice)

Collapsible Cap + 10SP to standard price (Allows for concealment of cap)

Hidden Pouch within the hat or cap. +50SP to standard price (Carrying of 10gp in weight worth of small items -)

Hidden knife or hat pin weaponry + 5 SP to price of Hat to allow for it to be concealed within the hat or helm. (This does not include the weapon itself - which must be purchased separately.)

Hat/Cap with built in mask/wig +20sp to price of hat (Allows for +1 to disguise checks)

NOTE: Multiple additions can be made to one hat - except for collapsible quality.


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