Fleshmonger Butchers Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Fleshmonger Butchers Guild


The Flesh Mongers, or Butchers are responsible for the excellent cuts of meat that stream through the towns and cities of Atlantis. Butchers are a sub-group of the Fleshmongers - they trade mainly in Goat Meat. The Goat Meat preparation is exclusive to this sub-guild membership.     




Sharpening Stone (for blades) 1sp
Leather Aprons 2sp
Preserving Salts and Herbs for stopping meat spoilage.1 sp per kg
Provisions Bag Waterproofed bags for meat and produce. 2gp
Knives 1gp (3 knives up to 4 inches)
Bone Saws 1sp
Cleavers 3 sp
Guild, Professional


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