Dyers Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Dyers Guild


The Dyers Guild concentrates on the repair, and improvement of clothing and items. The ability to embellish and improve on the look of an item is at the heart of the Dying skills in the guild. It is closely allied to the Tailors, Engravers and Leatherworker's Guilds.  

Equipment or Services Provided


Specialised Dyes

The Royal Family and those above 8th level have the right to use a particularly rare color in their garments or accessories - this is a Royal Purple or a Tyrian Purple Color. The cost is 100gp per 8 oz. lot as a starting price.

Specialised Rogue Services

  Sappanwood Dyed Products ( +1 to healing bandage effects and +05% to Hide in Shadows) 10gp
Guild, Merchant


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