Dwarven Fortress Design Building / Landmark in Terraia | World Anvil
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Dwarven Fortress Design


The Kharazad have developed the Bastion Fort - basing their forts on the idea of interlocking fire and reduction of dead zones in siege defense situations.

  The design of the bastion is normally a polygon in its basic form. More advanced versions have bastions at the corners of the walls. These act as outcroppings which effectively eliminate protected blind spots, called "dead zones", and allow direct fire (complete enfilade into any area around the fortress.

Hexagonal, Octagonal and Decagonal Forms

The bastions are based on the currency of the dwarves - few realise that the shape of the coins is not just a reference to different combinations of first family lore, and crystal formations )up to hexagonal in form) observed underground and in gemstones, but also in quasicrystaline forms associated with Orichalcum deposits that on rare occasions would form Octagonal and even Decagonal forms. 


Some dwarves claim that the design was inspired in the first dwarves when they observed stars for the first time after leaving their mountain mines. But some know that it is a new development that has come from the sudden appearance of a human amongst them some ten years ago. Sébastien le Prestre de Vauban has been affected by the Chronic Anomolies and lives very comfortably in the Kingdom of the Kharazad - contemplating defenses against magic and flight based combat/ defenses.



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