Cobblers Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Cobblers Guild


The Cobblers Guild make shoes and boots. They construct the boots out of a variety of leather types, ranging from normal leather, to more exotic hides.

However specialised hide boots are made to order. The price being the 3X the price of a normal pair of boots of the same type and taking 1 week per 3gp in value.


High boots (hard) 2gp

High boots (soft) 1gp

  Low boots (hard) 1gp

low boots (soft) 8sp


Extra Services

Adding hidden sheath for knives into boots +25% value

Adding hidden compartments into heel or sole +20% value

Tools and Other Products

Cobbler Awls 1Ssp 

Speedy Sewer 20SP 

Lasting pliers 1 GP - specialised pliers with a bent plier head and built in mini-hammer.


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