Bowyers and Fletchers Guild Organization in Terraia | World Anvil
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Bowyers and Fletchers Guild


The Bowyers and Fletchers Guild are the creators of some of the  best crossbows, bows, arrows and bolts, in the Kingdoms. on the continent. All standard weapons are available through the Guild in most branches.

Standard Weapons

Expanded Weapon Listing

Note more exotic weapons - such as specilised bows from different cultures (non-core book) require plans or diagrams to be developed first prior to their manufacture. This can take 1 week per gold piece in value of the weapon to research, develop and test prior to completion for the character.

The lists included here are from the Arms and Equipment Guide (Pages 109 - 111)  


Standard Guild structure. This Guild includes strong Researchers as well among their group developing new ideas for arrows and bows or crossbows.    

Public Agenda

They believe that the bow is the ultimate weapon as it can feed and protect - not just attack.   Extensive training access is granted to the members of this guild. They are closely linked to the Rangers Lodge system.  They are present in most towns of Atlantis.


  This is an old guild - teaching how to make crossbows and bows, and the arrows used by them.

Arrows Sold

There are the commonly available Arrows - but there are also the Seventeen Arrowheads- that are only available to Rangers and Strangers.

Guild, Craftsmen


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