Atlantean Zodiac - The Metallikos Physical / Metaphysical Law in Terraia | World Anvil
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Atlantean Zodiac - The Metallikos


The Olympians even now place heroes and tragic figures into the stars as eternal constellations, the Zodiac is filling as these heroes establish themselves. Already the Pleiades are in place.

The Current 'Zodiac' is determined by the month of birth of the character. In all cases the Metallic Nature of the Month is both positive and negative to some part of the character.

The names borrow from both Latin and Greek - once more echoing the intermixing of historical events from the pasts and futures of the Prime Material Realm through the Chronic Anachronism Effect.
The same 'metal' system is used in the naming conventions of years that cycle through a similar 13 year cycle. However the year of birth metal has no impact on the character's initial abilities.

All characters (except Elves and Brazen) roll 1 to 13 (4D4-3) to determine their month of birth.
All Elven Characters roll 1 to 12 (1D12) to determine their month of birth.
All Brazen are born during the 5th month of the year.


These three constellations represent those divinities who exercise Power directly into the World - seeking to shape it and change it at their whim. Some say that Zeus and Poseidon are there simply to keep Ares under control.

1 Tin (Sn - Stannum Born)

Tin Metallikos results of Stannum Born, increases the loyalty check of all retainers by +1D8%. This is thrown once and is applied to all retainers uniformly for that character. Characters born under Stannum often (75% chance) have a 'mortal enemy' from a very young age that they must be wary of.

2 Orichalcum (AuC - Aurichalcum Born)

The single Orichalcum benefit said to be blessed by Poseidon is an increase in the ability to deal with water craft - gaining +1 to Navigation skills (and a further 5% chance to not get lost). Aurichalcum Born drink more water than most - requiring double the amount of water than normally needed to maintain themselves in all environments (requires 2 waterskins), and dehydration effects are 10% worse for them.

3 Iron (Fe - Ferric Born)

Those born of Iron are Arian, born under the power of war.This zodiac sign gives the character an increased skill in the proficiency of Blacksmithing (+1 to the non-weapon proficiency). Ferric Born are very hot-tempered causing their Persuasion skill proficiency to be at -1 on the proficiency score.


  These three constellations are all connected to Aphrodite in some way - all of them achieved their position through Persuasion and Guile rather than through the use of Power.

4 Copper (Cu - Cupros Born)

The Copper born are blessed by Aphrodite, providing them with an added bonus skill of Etiquette. Aphrodite giving the individual the appropriate behaviour to fit the situation and make a good impression. There are no negatives to this Zodiac.

5 Brass (Br -Brazen Born)

The Brazen born are believed to have come from the Brazen Race from previous ages of the planet. The Brazen born have a birth mark of brass on one of their arms or their neck, this mark is the mark of the Brazen Race itself and gives them access to the same benefits in trade as the Brazen Race, and access to the Pyramid of Talos benefits that are reserved for that race. All Brazen Born characters gain 9+1D6 inches in height,and 18+2D6 pounds in weight.
All members of the Brazen Race are born during this month and therefore gain the birth mark of brass automatically.

6 Mercury (Hg - Hydrargyrum Born )

The Herms are those born to Quicksilver. The Non Weapon Proficiency Running proficiency has a natural +1 to its initial score. The Hydragyum Born dislike rigidity and receive a -1 to any Armorer or Blacksmithing proficiency. However, they dislike being tied up or chained up so much that they also receive a +1 to their Escapology checks if they have the skill.


These three constellations represent the achievement of ones goals through the use of Wealth and Knowledge. They are also directly linked to the most valuable of omnipresent elements, namely the most valued of mined materials.

7 Platinum (Pl - Plargyrum Born)

Born under the month of Hera, the character as Plargyrum Born receives the blessing of wealth similar to the Argyrum, receiving a boost of 20% to their initial funds, and +1 to their appraisal skill proficiency.

8 Gold (Au-Aurum Born)

Gifted of Apollo, the character has a longbow or shortbow (as selected by the player) with 24 silver arrows and a quiver gifted to them at the time of creating their character. If the character cannot use such a weapon then the Gold Piece equivalent in value is added to their starting money. There are no negatives for the Aurum Born.


9 Silver (Ag - Argentum Born)

The Artemis Effect, the character born in a year of silver will have a +10% to their initial money and their initial social class roll (if used) - effectively a silver spoon in their mouth). Belladonna has only a 20% chance to stop lycanthropy if used by an Argentum Born to save themselves from the effects of Lycanthropic attack.


These three constellations represent pure achievement. They are each indicative of a Goal needing to be achieved and are metals that must be created in the Forge rather than simply discovered naturally. (One can argue that Brass is the same as this also but the Brazen hold the belief that Brass was once a naturally occurring metal far superior to the current metal being created in Forges. These three metallic based Zodiac signs represent the mastery of nature.

10 Mithril (VA - Veritargentum)

The Artemis Effect, the character born in a year of silver will have a +10% to their initial money and their initial social class roll (if used) - effectively a silver spoon in their mouth). The Veritargentum Born believe that they are the chosen of Artemis and have a =5% initial reaction roll in dealing with Elves. If the Veritargentum born character is an Elf - then they believe that their House is naturally the ONLY one truly blessed by Artemis - and have a similar reaction result in dealing with other elves from other houses. Interestingly they have the benefits of the Artemis Effect, but not the lycanthropic negative. (See Month 9 for details of Artemis Effect)

11 Bronze (CuSn - Bronzium Born)

The Bronzium are born in the month of Hephaestus, giving them an affinity for Blacksmithing and Mining for metals. The Bronzium receive +1 in each of these Nonweapon Proficiencies. However, when dealing with plant life - in the non weapon proficiency of Herbalism they experience a - 1 to their checks against the skill.

12 Adamant (Ad - Pallasum Born)

The Adamant born are linked to Athena, and this has given them the title Pallas - 'shield'. This gives the character a suit of free armor up to platemail in value at the time of creation of the character as a 'lucky find' or 'family heirloom'. All Pallasum dislike water to some degree causing them to have -1 on their swimming non weapon proficiency ability.

The Central Form

The single central Zodiac is said to be linked to the turning of the heavens and time itself. It is insulated from the rest of the Universe.

13 Lead (Pb - Plumborn)

Those unfortunate to be born in a Year of Lead have a problem with weight, the character's initial weight is 15% more than normal. Any Plumborn is also immune to ghoul paralysis as if they were an elf. This 'insulation' gives them a +1 bonus versus any electrical magic or energy attack from  any source.
Metaphysical, Divine


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