Arson Profession in Terraia | World Anvil
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Secondary Skill Cost 1
Attribute Intelligence
Attribute Modifier-1


The Arson skill is the ability to set fires in such a way that they are set off and allow the arsonist to escape unscathed. It can also include setting a fire trap for others who seek to control the fire. However, it is mainly focused on maximising damage to the structure and minimising the ability of others to put the blaze out. It can therefore include neutralisation of fire control methods such as stopping firemen from accessing key areas of a burning building, or removing access to water in key areas of the town prior to setting the blaze. 

Setting of the blaze to maximise damage to a structure allows the fire to cause 1D6 damage per 3 levels of arsonist extra to the building over and above the normal damage done by a fire (effectively making it a fireball in intensity).



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