Speca Geographic Location in Terrafonna | World Anvil
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Speca (Speka)

Speca does not have that far back of history being that it is the 2nd newest continent formed in Terrafonna. Speca is home to two huge cities and many other smaller villages. The two cities are Weelens and Capolino. Weelens is a home to mostly humans. There are some half-orcs and dwarves living in the city two but they are the minority. Most of the people there are accepting of strangers that come into the city. Then there is the far off city of Capolino. In the city there are mostly Vedalkens living there. Speca is also home to a plentiful amount of tribes, mostly being all orcs and half-orcs. There are also the mountain men, who are dwarves that harvest the local mines and quarries in their zones.


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