Elemental Aberration Species in Terradox | World Anvil
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Elemental Aberration

Also known as Elemental Origins / Elemental Source

Basic Information


Elemental Aberrations divert form the normal path of Elementals since most of them lack any intelligence. These Aberrations are birthplaces for other Elementals since they encompass a Void anomaly within them, which provides them with enough Void energy to reform there environment and adapt it to there given Element.
Elemental Aberrations manifest in certain patterns which are: 
  • Fire Storm that travels the Land or a Fire Tornado
  • Everlasting Ice that travels with the Seasons or a Region of Ice that never melts
  • Infinite Storm that travels the oceans or resides over a particularly windy Region
  • Chelondia (a giant earthen Turtle that travels over land and sea all across the World)
  • Space Time Anomaly (a Region where the boundaries between the material World and the Void are fractured and flowing)

Genetics and Reproduction

Elemental Aberrations are created when a catastrophic Elemental Event (i.e. Large Forrest Fires, Avalanches, tsunamis,...) happen in the direct vicinity of a Void Anomaly.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elemental Aberrations grow from a about 1m around the Void anomaly to a maximum of 50km large, based on the supply of there given Element in the Area, the Anomalies Strength as well as the Type and severity of the Event that created the Aberration.

Biological Cycle

Elemental Aberrations grow and shrink based on the amount and Strength of Void Anomalies it possesses.
A Common Value is that a Standard-Stable Void Anomaly can supply a Elemental Aberration for up to 50 Years with a growth of about 1km per year

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elemental Aberrations can sense anything in there Area of Influence, about 50km from original Void anomaly, and other Void anomalies within about 200km.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Elementals of Rank V
Fire Storm(Fire Elemental),
Everlasting Ice(Water Elemental),
Infinite Storm(Air Elemental),
Chelondia(Earth Elemental),
Space Time Anomaly(Energy Elemental)

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Cover image: by Alfred Kruse


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